The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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Lenny Sack

by ickessler

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My Warf Ate My Homework: Problem Petpets
Has your Krawkadon eaten everything in your Neohome, including your sofa? Does your Pinklet have a bit of a gambling problem?

by pluie


The Jigsaw Puzzle
He had done lots of jigsaws in the past and didn't see what was so different about this one. He slid his claws under the cover of the box. Good. The tape was still there, that usually meant that all the pieces were there too.

by nariko_gin


Plumops the Grundo
Must be cursed or something...

by kleines_monster


Invaders and Foes: The Easter Cybunny
Scrumptious and completely safe candies! I mean, they’re from a stranger, so obviously they’re safe, right?

by blubblub317

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