Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 93,823,843 Issue: 183 | 26th day of Running, Y7
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Short Stories

Jhudora's Cloud

The following morning dawned cold and grey. By midday, the usually bright sun was shrouded with dark purple cloud. All was not well in Faerieland.

by s3ssur34
Beware the Meepits

"Hey, no need to be so grumpy, Crieste," he told me, offended. "I just wanted to tell you that we're going to the Haunted Woods today, so Jade wanted to get up early and get going.

by jade_steel
Meuka - True Past Unveiled

"Wherever you are, I will find you, and help you," Miika said bravely though the bravery was not his own. It seemed miraculous that Miika was going to look for somebody when he had just heard such a terrible cry in the middle of a forest, late at night.

by shadowninjawarrior
Too Dark for Darigan

The Grarrl glanced out of a window and frowned. An inky darkness filled the sky, with not one star in sight. It had always been that way, just as Lord Darigan had always been afraid of the dark since his return.

by kushbi
Galem's Revenge

While Kanrik trudged home, a mysterious shadowy figure approached the Thieves Guild Headquarters. Upon finding it empty, the figure muttered, "Curse you, Kanrik," and stormed away.

by fegeroo
Shackles of Love – My Sister, My Hero

How free they are. It must be nice to be able to experience such unrestricted flight once again. As Jasmine gazed enviously at the Neopets, thoughts ran through her little head. Why can't I be just like them?

by scarletrhapsody
The Birthday Present That Changed My Life

"Well, I think you've known that I have been wanting a Faellie ever since I saw one in the Petpet Shop."

by puppers237
He Never Really Left

Snickers had thrown his sketch book and pencil aside as he sprinted down the hill, but the Turmaculus stood on all fours, eyes agleam with a hungry glint...

by 3dcourtney12044
The Jigsaw Puzzle

He had done lots of jigsaws in the past and didn't see what was so different about this one. He slid his claws under the cover of the box. Good. The tape was still there, that usually meant that all the pieces were there too.

by nariko_gin
The Great Easter Treasure Hunt

I stopped my train of thoughts and started another one, reminding myself that it was actually Easter today. Easter meant Neggs...

by shadowcristal
Search the Neopian Times


"Beware the Meepits" by jade_steel
It was a beautiful sight. The rising full moon was perfectly framed by two twisted trees, the ground was blanketed with a thick carpet of leaves, the stars twinkled in the turquoise sky, many unblinking pairs of eyes stared at me...

Other Stories


The Anti-List List
Every week, as we eagerly flip open our subscription of the Neopian Times, we will see that there is bound to be at least one article featuring a list of things...

by scarletrhapsody


My Warf Ate My Homework: Problem Petpets
Has your Krawkadon eaten everything in your Neohome, including your sofa? Does your Pinklet have a bit of a gambling problem?

by pluie


The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Six
"Now that the traitor has told Meridell of our plans," said Blake, "we will have to make new ones, and quick. The army They promised won't wait if we tarry."

by fierwym


Escape from Kreludor: Part Four
"Resistance? Resistance? We need your help! Dr. Sloth has got a new plan. He's got spies everywhere. He's going to - and then - he's got this gun - aiming - it at everyone..."

by cyborg8000


Lenny Sack
Some battledome research is more fun with a friend... and a camera.

by ickessler


Meridell - The Book of Stability
Wasted food is bad... : (

by void_walker

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