White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 95,556,587 Issue: 188 | 28th day of Eating, Y7
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Glorious Neopia

by hallonglass

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Kelp Help
Ah, the grand ribbon has just been cut to a new, fancy and exclusive restaurant in Maraqua: Kelp. Kelp is filled with young and old, rich and classy Neopians from all over...

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The Shade Flame Legacy: Valrigard - Part Six
"He must have a powerful army," he said, "or he wouldn't challenge us. I think he's captured a powerful magic some way... maybe with his own." The thought of magic triggered a question in my mind.

by smurfafied1800


NeoStyle: Designing With Color
Now that you have selected materials for the walls of your NeoHome, it is time to select the other elements of the room. Basically, this comes down to choosing colors...

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Neopian Neophyte
How to insult Scarblade...

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