Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 95,556,587 Issue: 188 | 28th day of Eating, Y7
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New Series

A Wizards Beginning: Part One

"Ow!" came the loud exclamation has he jumped and grabbed his foot, rubbing it while trying to get the pain to disappear. He looked down to see what he had stubbed Hidden away between large tufts of grass a tattered old book lay...

by sirussblack
A Sparkle That Shone in Her Eyes: Part One

"Why is she always walking up this street?" asked the young Kacheek, leaning in to catch every word. "She seems very lonely, but smiles all the time, like she knows about something very funny."

by basketballnsoccer25
Savak: The Redemption - Part One

"We were having some territorial trouble with a neighboring pack. Fortunately, we have it resolved now. I hope," he added silently to himself.

by zephandolf
Encountering Wild: Part One

I still remember how cold it was the first time I met Wild. I was on vacation on Mystery Island with my pets, and it was cold the first night we stayed there...

by christinetran
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"Shades of Grey" by eternally_forgotten
To her, the world was only different shades of grey. In the harsh world of reality, those who are different do not survive for long...

Other Stories


Jhudora's Amulet
"I wouldn't touch it, I've read the whole Neopedia, and in all of it, nothing good comes from touching strange objects," I said confidently.

by starshine835


A Tasty Spell
You know how sometimes people say you can have too much of a good thing? I think Cabbie has first hand experience now.

by faeriestories


NeoStyle: Designing With Color
Now that you have selected materials for the walls of your NeoHome, it is time to select the other elements of the room. Basically, this comes down to choosing colors...

by xangabri


Leaning Towards Pizzas
Pizzas have been the latest fast-food craze. Or maybe I’m a little too slow, I guess. Whichever the case is, pizza, by far, is the most delicious food on Neopia!

by tabletpc2


Jervis and Mervis - Peanut Problems
What happened to you?

Story by neox52492

by patrick3675


No More Feeling Blue
All you need is a little brother...

by cerbekus

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