Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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Our Own Little World

by narnia4rocks

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Neoquest 2 Insane Difficulty Survival Guide
So you've beaten Neoquest 2 on normal and evil difficulties. Now it is time for you to play it on insane. You can feel the anxiety welling up inside you as you begin the game...

by catwhisper1


Pinelope the Peophin
"I'm sick of sharing a house with people like you! Completely sick of it! I'm leaving!" and with that, Pinelope stormed out the door.

by aishaluver94


Mental Alienation
Poor Weewoo...

by hyper_giggle_box


The Lonely Cola Machine
Far away on a distant moon (a.k.a. really nearby on Kreludor) there sits a mysterious Neocola Machine. Where did it come from? What is its purpose?

by jerryms

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