Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 97,025,825 Issue: 191 | 21st day of Hunting, Y7
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The NeoQuest II Guide To Fighting Multiple Opponents

Taking down single baddies is easy, right? Especially when it’s one against four...

Also by chia625_2001

by precious_katuch14

The Breadmaster Speaks

I am the Breadmaster! Stop making fun of me! The Breadmaster is my real name! You new employees are going to be hard to train, I can see it already...

by pandabearb
The Essential Guide to TCG Deck-Building

Building a TCG deck can be challenging. It’s taken me an extremely long time to perfect my deck, and believe me; it’s nowhere near being completed...

by dan4884
Mastering Bilge Dice

Bilge Dice has to be one of the finest games there is to choose from. Once you master it, you can effortlessly earn up to 5K each day from this game alone...

by sh0rty4lyf
Negg Sweeper - The Game You Didn’t Know About

Negg Sweeper is a game that most Neopians look right pass, without giving it a second thought. All that should change.

by cyanamide
Magic or Mud?

I always wonder about new "junk" items that flood neopia. Are they really just a worthless item, a piece of junk? Should I collect 1000 of them, or should I sell off as many as I can and avoid them like the plague?

by dewonthelilyms
The Lost Desert Exploration

The Lost Desert is an amazing place, though not for snow-painted Neopets and Ice Boris, but otherwise you’ll just get a spot of sunburn. Don’t forget the sunscreen!

by matjake44_3
The Deserted Fairground: Chilling or Charming?

I just can’t understand why The Deserted Fairground is deserted! I mean, fair enough, if it wasn’t the name wouldn’t really work but... still.

by sexylilacdevil
Enjoying Spring

Spring is known as a period of renewal, and to do that, I have wrote a little guide of some Neopets things that you and your pets will enjoy...

by katchakern2003
How To Read a Book: Neopets Style

Reading will and has become something of a habit, instead of the exciting adventure it should be. Fortunately, there are ways to help reverse this decline and bring reading in Neopia back into every family’s life.

by onlyonejc
Fuzzles of Doom

You probably played it once or twice before, earning around 30 points a level, dying at level 3 or 4, right? Well, this will help a lot!

by environment312
Holidays That Didn't Make It

This very informative article will (hopefully) inform you of the Neopian holidays that didn’t make it to the New Features page...

by dancingqween888
More Reasons To Boycott The Tongue Shrinkers

It is a bit different, but it is an equivalent to the previous; however, the threats, are getting more serious...

Also by moonila32

by kikik312

Neopian Acronyms: A Basic Guide

We've all experienced it, anyone who is new to Neopets is bound to have trouble understanding all the acronyms that are carelessly thrown around by more experienced users...

by xtrat
Audition, Schmaudition!

I am at the Soup Faerie Kitchen right now where the Soup Faerie, that gentle kind soul, is holding auditions for “The Kougra, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, a theatrical production she is sponsoring for the benefit of the hungry Neopets in Neopia.

by ladyariel32
Unfortunately, 100 More Stupid, Cheesy, Useless, Rejected Neopian Times Titles

These titles should never be used with the fear of getting rejected by the almighty Snowflake. Please don’t try this at home, kids!

Also by blubblub317

by sirussblack

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Holidays That Didn't Make It

The Neopets Team (or TNT) always has a unique idea forming in their twisted minds for this interesting site. Most of these ideas have to do with upcoming pet days, but sometimes there’s a Neopian holiday. This very informative article will (hopefully) inform you of the Neopian holidays that didn’t make it to the New Features page...

Other Stories


Dieter and the Fatness Issue
Dieter loved playing the game and helping Neopians learn Neopoints, plus he loved eating the snow. Eating snow since the day he was born had not helped his looks, though...

by hottamale0774


Skies over Meridell
Tav was staring down at another paper and hadn't seen his sister's motion, but he still got the meaning of her words. "Propeller, wings, support--what're we missing?"

by extreme_fj0rd


The White Meowclops: Part Two
Something about Patches just rubbed Auryn the wrong way, and Auryn knew Patches thought the same thing about him...

by auntfalcor


The Beauty Shop of Horrors: Part Five
"She was trying to force me to put that shampoo on! She acted all weird when I told her what my name was! And, she had those eyes. They looked just like…"

by blubblub317


Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara
"It will make you smarter..."

by rufusrockskp


It Was Just a Joke!
Not everyone can take a joke...

by paganini646

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