A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 175,300,980 Issue: 362 | 3rd day of Collecting, Y10
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The Snorkle: Neopia's Most Misunderstood Petpet?

There are a number of misconceptions flying around Neopia concerning the Snorkle, all of which are totally false and unfair judgements of these wonderful petpets' character.

by dreamgate
Surpassing Shenkuu's Summit

How DOES one manage to hook onto solid progress without a downwards spiral? There is only one person to ask! I set out to Shenkuu to speak to the Emperor princess herself!

by ember_silver
What Is a Pet Worth?

"Look what I just sniped from the pound! I don't really like it, but it's an awesome color!"

by mistrissmanda
Questing For Neopoints

This is a guide for those quests around Neopia outside of the random faerie quests.

by victorrianna
How to Start a Successful Guild

Running a guild takes a lot of work, especially in the beginning, so the first step is to ask yourself if you have the time to do the work.

Also by viperine17

by darkdragoon772

What's YOUR Fashion Style?

Are you confused by the tons of options in the NC mall? Not sure whether to play it safe and buy a simple pastel blue hair bow, or shine in a fashionable feathers superpack?

by giv_peace_a_chance_
Mystery Island: Gourmet's Delicatessen

Mystery Island, located between Krawk Island and Maraqua, is a gourmet's delight.

by mazoku_kuiin
Eat Dirt!

Yum... Dirt.

by misshamsterlover
Quest for Etiquette

I've noticed that others still treat the game like they are playing against computers. So, for the sake of many, I have compiled a list of 'do's and 'don't's of what to do while playing Key Quest.

by unicorngirl383
Key Quest: The Game

There is a brand new game in Neopia where, in addition to neopoints, you can win great prizes like codestones and neggs. All you have to do is collect keys.

by dipper70
Pet Rock: Amazing Gift or Amazing Sham?

For your convenience, this is a unique list of several items your Neopet will not take kindly to receiving, and why.

by thisillusionoflove
What Type of Gamer Are You? - A Comprehensive Quiz

There are hundreds of games out there that pay out immediately! Take this fairly quick quiz to see what type of gamer you are.

by poissonneondn
A Comprehensive Guide to Kikos

Kikos are one of Neopia's most lively and fun species, but how much do you really know about these adorable and effervescent limited edition pets?

by turtles_rule32
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"The Brave Little Hopso" by lynbro
Little Timmy sat as still as he could, scared to look out from under the covers but too curious not to. "Who is that?" he asked in the bravest sounding voice he could muster up. He dropped his book and jerked off the covers only to find himself looking into the eyes of one of the strangest little creatures he had ever seen...

Other Stories


In Hot Water: A Play
Shock! Horror! Things are named after what they are! What a novel idea.

by raccoonkid230


Friends and Flames
The shed was covered in a blinding cloud of smoke and a threatening tongue of fire. My jaw dropped open and I screamed.

by meggierules2129


The Fallen: Twisted - Part Two
Mezzanotte suppressed a sigh and lifted one finely arched brow. "Excuse me," she said, her tone slightly scathing. "You're standing in my way."

by ayame_23


Falling Rain: Part Three
"The king has somehow foiled Lord Kass's efforts to keep him at bay and has retaliated. Meridell has more soldiers..."

by mutedsanity


Talk About Random "Where Is Zappz? Part 5"
There you are...

by buizelmaniac


Speck the Speckled
It's been ages since I last saw you!

by cheetah_kougra

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