Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 186,904,155 Issue: 465 | 15th day of Collecting, Y12
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You CAN Customize With Neopoints!

Does your pet go trick-or-treating? If so, then she'll need one of these!

by crazy_holly_ii
Feeding Kadoaties For Beginners

This guide is to help Neopians find a method to feed the hungry Kadoaties in the Kadoatery.

by navigator123
Boochi the Bad Baby Bruce

If you haven't heard of Boochi yet, hide behind the sofa before you start reading this article, just in case!

Also by knight_blade

by robin_y2k1

The Guild Guru

You have probably searched for the "right guild" numerous times.

by elon346

Some trophies that should be in every Neopets user's UL.

by ved_coolguy
How to Take Care of Your Pets

Because lots of Neopians don't know how to do it...

by _catharie_
Ti–Key: Your Guide to the Key Quest Board

Are you ready to play on this wonderfully colourful board? If so, let's go!

by spin_me
Common Petpets and How to Care for Them

Petpets need to be cared for and entertained, just as Neopets do, and this task will keep even the smartest Neopet occupied for hours while you are away.

by burning_shadows_79
Top 10 Yummiest Furniture Pieces

Chocolate, jelly and any furniture made out of real food is becoming a new trend in both new and classic neohomes these days.

by a_l2n_l2n_a
Yoinked! My Freaky Factory Experience

Your job is simple – keep enough liquid red, yellow and blue Kreludite in each vat to be able to produce enough plushies to fill your quota.

by 9shorerd
A Neopian's Guide to Freezers

I'm going to show you the different types of freezers and what they do.

by rider_galbatorix
A Comprehensive Storytelling Guide: Part One

This week, I'll cover the basics of the contest, the overall plot diagram of the entries, characterization, and tone.

by phadalusfish
Top 13 Halloween Avatars!

These avatars are perfect for Halloween as they are spooky, evil, and colorful.

by xoxkar
What Good is a Plot without a Conspiracy Theory

Their plan went into effect on the 20th day of the month of Gathering. While we Neopians remain in blissful ignorance.

by carrotbreath
Change - Best Served With Item Drops

An old time Battledomer, I have recently returned to Neopets and am pleasantly surprised with the new plot.

by ssj3gotenks18
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Ti–Key: Your Guide

In my opinion, the starting point is the most important thing in the Ti–Key board. This is because it is not very symmetrical, as some of the others are, for example Chocolate and Springtime. The best houses to get here are Neopia Central and Lost Desert. This is because both lead to a straight path through all the keys straight to the door. The order would be: Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, White and then straight to the door. Of the two houses, I prefer Lost Desert. Why? It's very simple! If you roll a 2, you get 200 NP, whereas everything else is the same. So this is a nice advantage to think about. Another thing is, of course...

Other Stories


Good Night, Sleep Tight
I know, I know, she's only a baby, but she's a menace, I tell you!

by meggierules2129


True Heroes
"You know she's in hiding. She's the Zafara Double Agent, after all. I don't think she'd go around advertising it."

by shelbymcb85


Chronicles of the Chosen: The Last Battle - Part Three
"Have you ever dreamt that something would happen, and it did?"

by pretsel_is_back


Princess Mind-Reader: Part Two
I used to be a Princess.

by thornfoot2


All the faeries of Neopia have been turned to stone!

by roriee


How Did This Get Here
Sometimes I feel as if Coltzan doesn't like me very much...

by regimental

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