The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 195,409,577 Issue: 851 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y20
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85 Things to do this Winter Season

The snow is falling, temperatures are dropping, and there’s a spirit of celebration in the year. That’s right, it’s wintertime! A time for relaxing, giving, and celebrating with friends and family.

by berzerkturtlez
Happy Valley and the Winter Starlight Celebration

It is that wonderful time of the Neopian year, the month of Celebrating. The time where you can revel in all things festive and be involved in the Winter Starlight Celebration.

by dazical
New Year Celebrations Across Neopia

Neopia stands on the brink of a new year, and celebrations are held across the world to celebrate the ending of one year, as well as the beginning of the next. How is New Years Eve celebrated in the various lands of Neopia? What do they eat, what kind of customs do they have, what superstitions do they believe in and what kind of fireworks do they use?

by aleu1986
Bruce Day Gaming Challenge

Celebrate Bruce Day with the Bruce Day Gaming Challenge!

by rock_star_megs
Neopian Sing-Along: Holiday Jingle Edition

Neopets all across Neopia are abuzz with excitement for the holiday season! Generously bestowing gifts upon Neofriends, playing thrilling winter games, and receiving free prizes every day from the Advent Calendar—what’s not to love about the last month of the year?

also written by golden_power3

by panphobia

Ten Unique Ornaments to Hang on Your Christmas Tree

Also by bren_reborn

by chirigami

10 Festive Items to Get You in the Christmas Spirit

It’s that time of year again. The snow is finally falling again, the Advent Calendar has given out tons of delightful gifts, and carols ring throughout the air.

Also by Also written by tsiegred & lookidontcare3

by breakeven

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"A World Of Grandiose Creature" by luuuvmebabe
Our lovely planet of Neopia was formed thousands of years ago. The deepest history we have been able to obtain shows that the planet was once covered in a toxic gas. A monstrous man from outer space, later to be known as Dr. Sloth, landed on the barren planet. He spent his time exploring it, searching for any form of life, and was not able to find any. He eventually concluded that this would be the perfect place for him to start a research base, a place where he could follow through with all his nefarious plots. It was so uninhabitable that no one would ever discover him here. It's still unknown who he was hiding from back in those beyond ancient times, but there was a force he had to avoid. He began building up things on the planet, creating monsters that could withstand the horrible fog and desolate conditions. He had a plan to enslave them and use them to conquer other planets he may come across. This was his golden opportunity and he wasn't going to let it slip through his fingers.After some time though, something began to change in the environment. A striking golden sunlight broke through the fog and immediately a patch of grass and flowers sprouted. The sun's rays had an instant effect on the planet, leading to much concern for Dr. Sloth.

Other Stories


The True Meaning of the Holiday Season
Christmas morning had arrived, and Walda the Baby Kacheek felt a rush of excitement when she dashed down the stairs and saw presents with her name on them.

by _brainchild_


A Rink Runner's Tale
It was a cold day in Happy Valley, not unlike many others this time of year. A layer of sparkly white snow covered the ground. Snowflakes flittered in the soft breeze and landed gently on the ground.

by unfogging


A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Two
Queen Nabile knew that her prison was not the standard. For starters, it was not down in the cells of Sakhmet, where she knew Tomos and Vyssa had stayed.

by dudeiloled


A World Of Grandiose Creature
Our lovely planet of Neopia was formed thousands of years ago. The deepest history we have been able to obtain shows that the planet was once covered in a toxic gas.

by luuuvmebabe


The Lab Ray
Let me rephrase that.

by purplegirl_2012


(Almost) Everyone's Favorite's cold out here

by umbrex

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