There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 195,472,570 Issue: 853 | 18th day of Sleeping, Y21
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The Best Neopian Annual Events!

On Neopets there are a lot of events and opportunities that come around approximately once per year, and if you blink you might miss it. People spend months preparing for these things, while others wait until the last minute to get ready for the big event.

by fat_hungry_chicken
Actant's Book Reviews 2

Books, books and more books!

by reconcilation
The Pteri Defence: A Weapon Guide

Pteri are fierce competitors when it comes to the Battledome. They are lightweight, nimble, quick, and able to take flight high over their opponents. They have a large range of weapons that they can use that play to their strengths and protect their fragile feathers. These guys are fierce and are sure to make quick work of anyone who dares to challenge you. If you stock up on a bunch of healing potions and make sure to get some good faerie abilities then you are sure to be unbeatable.

by parshew
So You Want to Play in the Neopian Philharmonic?

While it is indeed impressive to start a band from scratch and have it premiere in a concert hall in Tyrannia, it takes great musical finesse just to be inducted in one of the most prestigious bands in all of Neopia: the Neopian Philharmonic Orchestra.

by nolsterbuckr
A Comprehensive Guide to Food-Related Neopets

I like food. And I like Neopets. Most of you reading these words probably enjoy at least one, if not both, of those things. That’s why I am here to tell you that you can get the best of both worlds by owning a food themed Neopet. Yup, that’s right. There are several species and colors of Neopets inspired by our favorite foods. With everything from garlic to coconuts to Agueenas, there’s a flavor for everybody out there.

by unfogging
Understanding Usul Mania

When people first meet me on this site, the first thing they tell me is that “I have a lot of nice looking Usuls”. That is then followed up usually with “can’t you own anything else but Usuls?” Well, the answer is simply no!

by princessdiva7737
10 NC Essentials for Your Winter Customisation

by breakeven
What To Do When You Win The Lottery!

Every Neopian dreams of being rich beyond their wildest imagination, swimming in neopoints and being able to buy any usuki or paint brush or battledome weapon they want, never having to visit the Soup Faerie ever again. This dream is realized by very few, and honestly even hitting the lottery won't give you that type of ease, but it will get you one step closer. If you can manage your winnings well then you could set yourself up for a very prosperous future.

by pixeldream
Dealing with winter blues

It’s that time of year again, with short days and cold nights. Day of Giving celebrations are over and now there is little to look forward to except the distant promise of spring, and the knowledge that the days are getting longer from here on out, even if the coldest months are to come. So what are the best ways of wrapping up warm and keeping cheery? Here we divulge some advice on dealing with the winter blues.

by smilingpony
Search the Neopian Times


Understanding Usul Mania

When people first meet me on this site, the first thing they tell me is that “I have a lot of nice looking Usuls”. That is then followed up usually with “can’t you own anything else but Usuls?” Well, the answer is simply no! In my last article, I discussed how owning one species is a very good thing. I did keep mentioning my Usuls but I never did explain why I have this Usul obsession. So, in this article, I am going to give you my top ten reasons why I absolutely adore Usuls. #1: That cute and fluffy tail.This one should give you a bit of a chuckle but here me out. Usuls have such a cute and fluffy tail and most of them have a cute bow attached to them (only the royals, Usukis, desert, Halloween, Maraquan, pirate, and robot do not have a bow with them).

Other Stories


The Woes and Wonders of the Lab Ray (Firsthand)
The first thing I noticed was the awful burning smell. It was unbearable. Something sizzled. I could hear crackling like lightning. My face was pressed against a cold, tiled floor.

by klarevoyant


Dracky's Tale!
The rules of the game were simple.

Dracky knew that all he had to do was scent to familiarize himself, and then go fly off around meridell in hiding while they came to find him. He knew this. Nanci had them all practice weeks before Meridell Day.

by lauren92_k


A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Four

     General Hadon stood in front of Queen Sankara, arms folded. The Grarrl didn’t like the Queen, and it was relatively obvious from his previous workings with her brother, King Frezon, whom Hadon had admired as a war hero.

by dudeiloled


Searching a place
Chapter 1. The game, The Enchanted Forest and The Lost Desert.

Also by acespades1, charliews & hits

by nacil30


Bottled Happiness Faerie
Where's my blaster!?

by hamster_z


So THIS is Adee.
The confusion is gone, but people still remember. And so does Adee.

by tangamandapiano

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