Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 195,488,198 Issue: 854 | 1st day of Awakening, Y21
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The History of Battledome Challengers, Part 2

In the last edition of "The History of Battledome Challengers", we dove head first into the background stories of five different challengers. This is a series all about getting to know those that we come up against either every day in the Battledome, or those we rarely ever challenge because we don't have the strength or their rewards aren't great enough.

by krawkedattitude
Top 10 Most Difficult Flash Game Trophy to Obtain

Full of interesting for those people who are casual game players, professional players or trophy collectors

by silver0225
How to get trophies on reset day

Whether you are an avid collector or a casual gamer, reset (first day of the month) is the best occasion to try for a new shiny trophy for your cabinet.

by stake_6
Making the Most of Advent Wearables

Still feeling the holiday spirit in January? Want to make sure your pets are feeling it too? Well look no further, for this article can help you with all your post-holiday wearable needs.

by earthiness
The Many Sacrifices of an Avatar Collector

Avatar hunters: a moderately sized, mildly neurotic subset of the population of Neopia.

It can be a rough life. “But why?” a member of the uninitiated might ask, “Why would you spend real time, effort, and emotions on earning these useless collections of pixels?” A valid question indeed; the answer to which is not entirely clear. An avatar is a badge of honor; a trophy that we can proudly display to prove that we persevered, painstakingly practicing sometimes for months on end before achieving success.

by bouncyhanyou

Kindness is easy! - A guide to Kindness in Neopia

Be Kind, Be your own Neopian Hero!

by celinedgd
Search the Neopian Times


Making the Most of Advent Wearables

Still feeling the holiday spirit in January? Want to make sure your pets are feeling it too? Well look no further, for this article can help you with all your post-holiday wearable needs. This article examines some of the free wearable swag obtained from last year’s advent calendar. Have a baby? It has you covered. A spooky pet? We can take care of that. Or maybe just a pet that wants to spend the holiday on a beach? No problem! Below you will find looks that highlight the first thirteen wearables that were given out during the advent season, and bonus- they’re all NP only themes! A brief review of all the items are also shown with the looks.

Other Stories


The Art of Brewing Tea
The night was getting darker.

Cheri, a white kacheek, was home alone. Her sister had, as usual, went outside in search for some adventure or whatever. Xynthi was out of the door almost every night, but today she hadn’t been home at all.

by miliane085


For Mystery Island and Mira
Kinae looked out the window. She couldn't remember the last time she saw the sky such an ominous green. Would she make it on time? Are they out there? Questions were spinning in her mind, but this time she felt different.

by chosha


Searching a place:Part Two
Chapter 2. A Celestial View, The Country of the Fairies and The Island of Krawk.

Also by acespades1, charliews & hits

by nacil30


A World Of Grandiose Creature:Part Four
I, Randal, one of the greatest Kougra explorers in all the world, am back with you to present more of my findings!

by luuuvmebabe


Sketchy - See No Neopet
Looky here...

by lennifer_jennifer2


Yuck! I'm not eating one of those!
me to me

by umbrex

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