"Petpet Panic" by kotahkue A Faerie Peo glides down right in front of you as you go shopping for a Petpet. So of course, you look around for an owner. When you don't find any Neopets looking frantically here and there for a lost Faerie Peo, you pick it up. Perfect for that Faerie Peophin of yours. When you get back...
The Cookie Caper "I already told you! I'm a detective now, and I have to wear my trench coat ALL THE TIME. It shows my authority." I pulled my magnifying glass out of my coat pocket and held it up to my eye...
Legacy of Ice: Part Five "It's just that Wocky... She has no idea how important she is! She'll let this mountain fall apart, just to save herself a bit of work!"
Dark Friend: Part One They almost felt as if they were teleporting to an entirely different land. At the fair, there were balloons, clowns, booths of all kinds, and lots of people having fun and licking ice cream cones...