Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 177,384,953 Issue: 307 | 31st day of Hiding, Y9
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Another Meepit Comic

To take over the world with a... Blue Lollypop?!

by cowgirl490
A Kacheek's Lovely Hair

I just love your hair!

by kittykatloren
Obsession is Harmful to Your Health

Nothing comes between a Kougra and her appetite...

by reptilliangirl

Scared to... death?

by xtermination
Petpet Perils

I am very happy.

by inuyashalover37
Neo Tails

Sorry, we are sold out of everything!

by neogirl4749
Canned Insanity

I bet you'll find this very shocking.

by pirate_11
Feepit Frenzy #6


by fariy287
The Tale-Tell Tails: Light Fright

An "on and off" relationship with Eliv Thade.

by nezreeze
Cloud is the New Camo

Who thought the cloud couldn't be camoflauge?

by sp64
Tails: Prologue

Once upon a time...

by lig3r

So that's why there's so much cheese...

Idea by pixie_dust181

by rach84150


...Welcome to the Jelly World zone...

by ghostcake
Shorties: BC Blues

A silly little short about one of the many common complaints/comments people receive in the BC chat.

by pink_kitty16

Does it look ok? ;A;

by taylorkudrin2
Good Night?


Art by penguinity

by pokemon_lunatic


Arrrgghh Matey!!

by curve
Petpet Problems

How to feed your Dribblet...

by cottoncandy2003277
How to Play Wicked Wocky Wobble

The comprehensive guide to playing Wicked Wocky Wobble...

by pencil_cases

Of course not!

by kacheek1108
I Love Life!

He is such a happy little Petpet... but there's one thing he doesn't know...

by elinoo

Oh, the dreaded Half Price Day...

by maddened

Weren't you supposed to bring the volleyball?

by bird_brain312
Scarred For Life

What, 150 issues later too long a wait?

by darcie
Slow, Slower, Slorg!

If a Slorg likes Neovision TOO much...

Also by tinkx

by kazukazue

What REALLY Happens in Games...

Where does it come from?

by neozxc20
Deja Vu

Well, I AM a dead ghost...

by eilatan175

If you want something done right, do it yourself...

by xx_wolf_xx_cub_xx
Exploding Cookies

You should be careful.

by petitehirondelline
Count Von Roo's Nightmare

Poor Count Von Roo -.-'

by pinkatzinha
Game Room Geeks: Gormball

Never play Gormball with a JubJub.

by dabber6
Neopian Games - Whack-a-Kass

Just because you see a Kass... doesn't mean you should whack it. o_O

by marlee_wuz_here
Best Friends?

Communication is key.

by thewizardess

Weapons of Power

by sengirmtg
Evil Feepit #21

Really, don't ask...

by fmoura_98
Why Do the Petpets Run?

Now really.

Story by dutchese159

by _icypanther_

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Harrises: Hooray!

Once you get your Harris and give this shy, but loving petpet to your pet, you begin to imagine an even better suit. What better than a colored Harris? You venture on to the Rainbow Pool to get a better look, then find many colors to choose from. But wouldn't you rather just pick the personality to match your pet instead of the looks?

Other Stories


Quest Protest
"I'm ready for my quest, Illusen," I said excitedly...

by black_skull725


Captain Cappuccino and Miss Mocha
"There you go. And if you need anything, just ask for the Captain. Captain Cappuccino..."

by playmobil_is_my_life


Discoveries of Professor P. Shaw: The Feepit
After many years and millions of neopoints, the great Professor P. Shaw has at last unraveled three mysteries of the Feepit...

by mithril_mithrandir


Things to Think About Before Abandoning Your Pet
Why are we putting our poor Neopets in the pound? And for what?

by good_good_smile


Flight: Part Two
I flashed an unapologetic smile back and removed my raincoat, tossing it over the back of the chair next to me as if I more than belonged here...

by taipeiss


The Partnership: Part One
As Judge Hog had said, I received "Top Honors" because I was one of the best secret agents in Neopia...

by pandabearb

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