Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 175,200,932 Issue: 414 | 16th day of Collecting, Y11
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Geraptiku and the Cursed Wave, Part 12

Swamp witches hate it when you sneak up on them.

by buizelmaniac
Too Early for Pun

...or was it fun?

by yaminoto
Maraquan Mishaps - By the Sea Shore

I sell sea shells.

Also by marymao

by lily_evans11

Not Again...

Why Battledome items are called "BATTLEDOME ITEMS".

by shmozie
Something Smells Fishie

Prestidigitarianism feels no guilt.

by luckyfishie

Sometime you just don't want to know.

by skrol
My Owner: The Excellent Cook

You mean Plushie isn't an available color for Lupes?

by pouritoto
Tough Being A Uni

Polish my hooves!

by pestilencexcore

Not a wise choice for a kitchen.

by hidden_sapphire
The Amazing Analyst

Rate a Neopet!

Script by sariphe

by scarvogue

Sanity LTD

Can you lick your elbow? I bet Zedext can.

by thunderlight314
The Jellybean Challenge!

I can eat ANYTHING!

by shade876
At the Battledome: vs Chia Clown

Random events shouldn't be so random sometimes.

by winner19955
Levered Again

I have a bone to pick with this lever-thingy.

by ssjelitegirl
100 Kinds of Crazy - Thorns

Why you never hug rashpids.

by kouger233

A slightly more violent version of your average dodgeball game. o_o

by xx_wolf_xx_cub_xx
Tonu Troubles!


by charlie_ryan
Alien Aisha Ears

Think of the Aishas.

by seahorsepond
The Shopkeeper says

How in the world..?

by skeye665
Neopian Discovery Channel: Lag Slug chapter 1

Always wondered what was responsible for all the lag? Well now you know...

by ashanti1011
Out of the Ordinary - Smelly Jelly

...Any leftovers?

by daniellegrey
The Tomb of Geraptiku

But while you're safe...

by shika_kun_
Snack Time

One thing I've learned from my various travels; don't trust zombies.

by eccentricityx
The Purple Dress: Part I

It all begins here. How strange.

by leetmango
Starry Stuff; Halloween Issue Part 2

Who took Yuki's arm?? Seriously... Who did?

by marilltachiquin
Halloween Troubles, Part 1

Wait up!

Also by lykyeahright

by a13xl

A Spooky Halloween, part 2

Fairground food!

by ghostkomorichu
Halloween Crossover #1

*FLAIL* Come to my party!!! D:

Also by water_park1993

by ruby_petal

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Jetsam Day: Prepared?

Jetsam have long been seen as the fierce fighters and unfriendly of Maraqua (just look at that pet picture: their fins are up and ready for a fight!), but they have been rather scarce since they became limited edition way back on the 17th Day of Hunting in Year 3 (May 17, 2001). However, every 16th Day of Collecting, a few lucky people are able to snatch up of few of these predators of the sea to add to their collection. But, what is the true...

Other Stories


Asparagus and Arguments
Doctor Frank Sloth, Green Thing of Outer Space, self-proclaimed Emperor of the Stars, King of All Planets (except Neopia and Kreludor, darn them), stood on the deck of his empire, and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

by jubub33


Those Pesky Neopets!: Malkus Vile Returns
"I am a Royal Astronomer and I am here under the request of King Altador. He is concerned about the welfare of Altador."

by nerdytiger


5 Steps to Dominating Neopia
Excellent. You are now my apprentice. I shall call you Bob.

by cloudpuffpuff


A Guide to Writing: Guides and other Articles
Articles are the kings of the Neopian Times. They are simple to write, enjoyable and helpful to read, and ANYONE can come up with one.

by danielleplicka


Inheritance: Part One
She couldn't ignore her talent to sing. Every chance a bard or music teacher came across their inn on their travels she prodded them to give her some advice, and she frequently sang while doing her chores.

by shadow_sabre_


A Roo-yal Expedition: Part Two
"I think you've got the wrong pets. We're nothing special, and we really should be getting home."

by maltese51191

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