Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,961,412 Issue: 723 | 11th day of Running, Y18
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The Important Things

Some things are better than treasure.

by likelife96
Baelia's Burdens #4

I'm sure Baelia didn't find this too hue-morous.

Also by alexipharmic

by certifiabletrash

Ghosts Don't Get Sick

Hey, wait a minute...

by iluminescent
Eclectic Antics: Illusen's Marketing

Being tiny is an everyday struggle.

Also by parody_ham

by amarettoball

Surprise Illusen

Faeries that come out of the bushes are trustworthy... right?

by milkbear
More Like Illusen


Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe

What's Down the Symol Hole?

Never leave any food in the symol hole, it will attract nearby petpets.

by singing_meadow
Faerie Quests: Revealed!

That's why Faeries don't ask for help from other Faeries...

Also by chiefgrumpy

by joslucca3000

Life As A Kad: Doctor'

The best kind of treatment.

by anniversarium
#LDN - Leave

Leaving the place he once ruled...To fulfill his destiny.

by gorubeza
When Carrots AREN'T Carrots...


by sn4zzeh
An Old Wive's Tale

And that's where omelettes come from

Also by Yellowpagebeatdown

by josephinefarine


amagarn solmrbpe

by ianharrypotter
Avatar Atrocity

Anyone? Help?

by dawgcpa
Too Many Collars

Uhh, he did it?

Also by shadowlugia_92.

by murillion

The Uncanny NeoValley

The Space Faerie has an... unusual sense of humor.

by amn102
Search the Neopian Times


"Ghostly Dreams" by jrayeb3
Identity. That was something Sylva didn't have the time or courage to keep anymore. Sylva had been a dashing young Lupe, adventurous, newly wed, setting out to sail every other weekend. What ever he was now wasn't that. Quite the opposite, if anything. He hid in the bushes, his steps couldn't make a sound had he wanted them to. He slid between walls and just a shimmer of his now pale-blue fur could make a baby Gelert scream for their mother. In his mind, he would always be Sylva. But in every place other than that, he'd just be The Ghost Lupe. Ryan was bored. That sort of thing happened a lot these days. Nothing to do, but he enjoyed every second of it. He soaked in the sun, the sense of relaxation, the fresh island breeze. He was home. Home was a strange word for Ryan. He'd had many. Home could be the base where he stayed when he was on duty as a knight. Home could be where he spent his free time with his pals in The Lost Desert. Home could be the places he explored with his brothers. But if home is where the heart is, home was right here on the beach, his brothers, sisters, friends and family inside the house, baking a feast. The family had grown an awful lot recently. Two acaras had joined the bunch, and weren't quite adjusted yet. The wocky, clad with an oversized hoodie, took a liking to Ryan instantly. Then there was the bori, the lutari, the gelert... It was a beautiful, massive, mess. RJ needed an escape from it.

Other Stories


Nan and the Night's Message
Nan, a Green Xweetok, could not sleep. It was late, for sure; everyone else in the Neohome was fast asleep. Nan herself had gotten a little bit of sleep, but now she was awake again. Why was she awake? She did not quite know for herself, but she did feel like she was called to a task other than sleeping. She quietly opened the window and snuck out.

by mbredboy31


Adventures in Krawk Island
"Rare treasures on sale! Get them now! We brought these back all the way in the Lost Desert, 'ey're so rare," a typical Pirate merchant shouted to everyone in hearing distance on the Warf Wharf. That meant everyone. The guy was loud. Lillian rolled her eyes. All of these pirates were scammers and frauds.

by dunefurandlilypelt


What Jhudora Really Does on Illusen Day
But… what exactly does her rival, her most hated enemy, the dark faerie Jhudora do on Illusen Day? Well, I decided to pay her a visit and see what she had planned for the day.

by ahh_choo


Post-Pink Blues
For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be Pink. I'd see people posting on the neoboards with their lovely pink avatar and I would turn green with envy. Occasionally I'd even visit the Kadoatery but every time I did I'd leave the Kadoatery feeling defeated and as sad as the unfed kads. A few years passed, then one morning I woke up feeling determined.

by tallydepp


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Six
Chloe inadvertently flinched at Inna's declaration that Veronica wanted to speak to her. The idea of talking to Veronica had never crossed her mind. She was her mortal enemy, and partially responsible for her eventual death. “Why would Veronica want to speak to me?” Chloe demanded.

by kristykimmy


Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Three
I couldn't sleep that night. My thoughts were just out of control. Why would Jane get an apprentice? Why did James have to be our apprentice. How would the detective business be affected with him with us for a while? Ugh, never before did I want a period of time to move faster than I did now.

by chasing_stars44

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