White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,126,976 Issue: 740 | 15th day of Swimming, Y18
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Pound Puns

You could say...

Also by twistedraja

by sophieauditore

Unfair Treatment

Why am I not the one....

Also by icygal2310

by shennyyy

Aisha Eyes

See? Aren't they pretty?

by ghost0face
Poor Weewoos

Does this look like a good time to you?

by gleenut
With Friends Like This...

No more omelettes!

Also by Pulc3tta

by xxxfenice_neraxxx

Ecstatic, Erratic, and Manic: The Space Faerie

What did she do?!

by elementdragongirl
NeoPaper: Even More Daily Logic

Okay, now that's really unfair...

by mbredboy31
Fishing Issues

And most importantly, where do they buy sandals?

by sophiaabic
Sunny Side Up

The culinary choices are so limited!

by amarettoball
The Wheel Of Not So Much Excitement.

Who determines spectacular exactly?

by goldensif
The Techo Master's Secret

Eeee oooo

Also by yashasvika

by vanillerrybeitje

The Three Stages of Fear

Baby Pteri Eggs Edition...

by marcthegr8est1
Neoquest Logic


Also by sanamm

by admonisher

Just Jelni: Overly Obsessed

Who can a Cybunny trust?

by angul888

It begins.

by spunkydog34
The Kelp

The food is so tiny it's impossible to get bloated!

Also by erianoillim

by saudadesdagripe


This is how bad I am at playing games...

by innosently
Hide and Seek

Let's try another game...

by supertualet

Anything is possible.

Also by coolnish_azn101

by hikariyugi_yamiatemu

Papa's Got Jokes

Dad puns are the best puns

Also by Kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

Codestone Humor

I realized something while browsing my inventory the other day...

by dune
Envelope Please

Eliv Thade!

Also by spirochetes

by linnipooh

Heard It All Before

Trust me, I've heard it all

Also by robotbo23

by wowlame

Head in the Clouds: Beating the Heat

Your own personal swimming pool!

by yoshisislandbandit
Dinner with the Scarlets: Healing Stings

I always have the worse luck at the Healing Springs.

by june_scarlet
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"Once Upon a Memory" by parody_ham
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was eleven years After Neopia, I believe, or was it twelve? I can never remember the way we used to mark time. It all seems like such a long time ago—ironic, really, given that we live hundreds of years in the past now. We lived with our mother and father outside of Neopia Central. It was a bustling town, although nothing similar to city of Meridell. There were no merchant guilds, no knights in shining armor. Yet I remember loving the place, and loving the festivals all the more. Each year, the 20th day of Gathering, the faeries would host a festival celebrating their peaceful relations with Neopian-kind. My parents had been working when the festival came to town. They were a trusting sort, allowing a ten-year-old to watch his sister unsupervised. I think they loved me. Based on the stories that Lisha told me, they seemed kind enough. I remember less of them each day, less of my old life each hour. But the important memories remain. The parents had asked me to guard Lisha at the festival, to keep her safe no matter what. It was an honor; I took it very much to heart. After all, how often does a pup receive such a responsibility? Even before the festival started, Lisha had been so excited to see Queen Fyora. Lisha squeezed my hand tightly as we maneuvered through the crowds, poking our heads through the mass of excited spectators. When the Faerie Queen began her address, a soft breeze began blowing.

Other Stories


A Rambunctious Kacheek's Culinary Plight
The alluring elegance of the establishment emitted the feeling of bliss. The restaurant, simply named "Kelp", was rumored to be one of Neopia's finest eateries. On the basis of its eclectic appearance, it certainly lived up to its reputation.

by _brainchild_


Usuki Singing Stars #34: At the Money Tree
“Isn’t early-summer cleaning fun, girls??” Sparkles asked enthusiastically. The pink Bruce was sorting through a pile of sweaters, separating them into two categories: sweaters to keep and sweaters to donate. “How are you guys doing?”

by downrightdude


Totally Irrational Things That We Do!
Why do we sometimes do things that are totally irrational on this site? To gather information, I canvassed the Neoboards for the opinions of my fellow players. They posted some very interesting habits of theirs, habits that are totally irrational, yet totally universal as well!

by indulgences


Tuskaninny: Why So Underrated?
What better occasion than Tuskaninny Day to ask my fellow Neopians why this Neopet is so underrated. They`re super-cute, available in a variety of colours and have great species-specific clothing sets. So why are they not more popular?

by aleu1986


Desert Requiem: Part Five
Jazan, Nabile, Farisem, Sayidah, and Tomos filed into Jazan's study upon the premature end of the royal ball. Khalid made his appearance there shortly after them. He sat down in a corner of the room and did not meet anyone's gaze.

by kalnya


The Burning Book of Moltara: Part One
Yet, while nearly everyone in Neopia screams about Yooyuball and discusses their favorite flavor of slushie, a little pair of neopets find their way into a mostly deserted Faerieland Library. "Come on, HS! Everyone's down at the arena. This is our chance to explore the top floor!" Vivi peeks out from behind the corner of the library before letting HS know the coast is clear.

Also by brooklyn3223 and eeames

by mapthesoul

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