Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 194,450,763 Issue: 768 | 10th day of Awakening, Y19
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Valentines Day - Love Puns

A little Chia love.

by eenlee
Avatar Collecting Can Be "Hard" (as Ice)

"If he gave it to you, then you're worth it."

Also by o_babypet4me_o

by joslucca3000

Punchbag Bob's True Defense

Who needs a good offense when you've got good endurance?

by vortext
Royal Pain: Valentine's Day

It's like April Fools Day, but in February instead.

by winner19955
Happy Valentine's Day!

Featuring the beloved Weewoo and A Heartfelt Valentines Day Card

by xsugarush
Avatar Hunting Problems

Just how many of these do you expect me to kiss...

by kennielee
Help Wanted

Help still wanted.

Also by kevinthinksyourcute

by whssoftball11

Love is in the Air

It's true love!

Also by bha288

by bittersweet52

Vampires In the Mirror

A tale about to how love yourself

by janderson_lee


Also by oldcorpsebreath

by soccergirl101397

Happy Valentine's Day

From your secret admirer :)

by keruza
Share the Love

Happy Valentine's Day!

Also by 987654321_hj

by piinkskullz

Secret Valentines

Uh Oh...

by icanhaskaila
A Valentine Fit For a King!

Safety is a real concern! giant cards lead to giant paper cuts after all... or kidnappings...

by my_bento_box
Search the Neopian Times


"Love is Patient" by emblo93
“I’m not sure. It’s something that’s been on my mind for a bit. You read in books about love and soulmates and things like that.” I changed a glance at her and saw that her eyes were solidly focused on the beautiful, bruised sky. “Do you believe that? That there’s only one person for you in the world and that you’ll eventually be with them no matter what?” I don’t suppose I have to write that I almost had a heart attack when I heard that, but I somehow managed to stay calm enough to reply. “I think so, yeah. Like two puzzle pieces.” Alahana giggled at that. I’ve always loved her giggle, a sweet girlish thing completely at odds with her imposing physique. It’s just another part of her beauty. “Two puzzle pieces, I like that.” She was silent for a long time after that, just watching the sky shift from pink to orange to navy blue. “Love is patient, I think,” she finally said. “My dad used to say that when…when we were moving.” Again, silence. I wasn’t going to break it. “If love is out there, be patient. It’ll come if it’s meant to be.” She was done talking, then, but I stayed silent. Did I love her then? I think I did. But love was patient, and so was I. If she didn’t say anything, then neither would I. And I didn’t. And she didn’t.

Other Stories


Matrimonial Persuasion
In her defense, she was trying to save both the cities of Sakhmet and Qasala here, not to mention the happiness of all parties involved; the flaming Baggusses was she going to let another disastrous marriage come to pass, not when she had the power to stop it…

by kalnya


Usuki Singing Stars #38: Jhoud's Bedtime Blues
Before Cuddles could say a word, Lei burst into the room with a baby bottle in hand. “JHOUDUMS!” she cried. Jhoud squirmed viciously as Lei picked him up. “Mommy, he’s missing! Cuddles Jr is missing! We have to find him!”

by downrightdude


Valentine's Recipes To Melt Your Heart
It's here, it's here, the most lovely day of the year! Here is a collection of my favorites for Valentine's Day.

Also by alyseth and sosuleaf

by marbear_4u


Celebrating Lennies: The Underrated
As celebration commences, I believe we should all take a moment to look back through Neopia’s history and honor some of the most underrated (and often forgotten) Lennies of our time!

by butterflybandage


Nonlinear Companions: Post Meridiem: Part Three
"Someone approaches. You will not fail us, son of Kass." I was just in time to hear the faerie utter the words before The Three turned on the spot and vanished.

by _starryeyedsurprise_


Spiral: Part Six
We couldn’t possibly let you take over the world without making a comeback special. That’d be irresponsible...

by waterguardianwmr

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