Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,178,569 Issue: 372 | 19th day of Celebrating, Y10
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Continued Series

Telzleh's Quest: Part Eight

The figure cackled as the cloak burned away in purple flames. Telzleh looked in horror, seeing the figure in front of her. The cruel, fear-inspiring form of...

by outsyder
Samson, the Pirate Lupe: Lost Memories - Part

"You are a crewmember of the Mist Hunter! You are therefore this ship's enemy! We have a right to throw you overboard!"

by firedoomcaster
A Faerie Tale: War - Part Five

The door exploded inwards. The troops within the lobby were showered with the splinters of the ancient door, which had stood since the founding of Faerieland.

by herdygerdy
Another Hero's Journey: Decisions - Part Five

"Tell Rohane that I miss him dearly, and so does Trestin, and probably the entire kingdom of Meridell," said Melissa...

by precious_katuch14
Fyora and Celandra: From Servanthood to Friendship - Part Four

Celandra jumped out of bed. She was about to leave the room when Fyora called her back. "Just a minute. You can't just waltz around the castle looking like that."

by black_skull725
A Quest For Art: Part Four

With no help from either of the Poogles, the door was swinging open on its own! Arca stood back...

by be2aware
Messenger: The Journey North - Part Three

"Sorry, folks!" said our Eyrie shrilly, swerving to the right and nearly dumping us upside-down. "This is my first ride!"

by hedgehog_queen
Plushie Island: Part Three

"Look!" several plushies shrieked, pointing and causing the makeshift boat to tilt back and forth to the sides. "There's the island!"

by majikel
Xavier's Quest: Part Three

Sarasan surveyed the mound. He'd sorted out ten Ultra Icy Neggs. "Well. Now how do we get them all down?"

by phadalusfish
The Werelupe Hunter: Part Two

"Like I said, we don't answer to Werelupe scum," he snapped.

by rachelindea
The Fallen: Loved - Part Three

Slowly, Javiod began to trudge up the stairs to his room. He didn't know why he'd taken up the habit of patroling the woods. His Werelupes were long gone.

by ayame_23
The Maraquan Pet Woes: Part Two

"Because I want to live there. I'm sorry, Sheila, but I still want to be Maraquan. You will see me again, I promise."

by kindlykat937
I am Aqua: Part Two

"Wasn't that fun? The Pound isn't so bad once you look deeper."

by reeses_pet
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"On A Cold Winter Night" by iloenchen
The Zafara Double Agent did not have to worry about darkness as she climbed down the mountain. A crescent moon hung low in the sky and the snow-covered slope that stretched below her reflected the faint light so the spy could easily find her way. Wrapping her scarf tighter around her neck as a cold gust of wind blew into her face, she took a moment to observe the lights flickering at the horizon. Lighthouses, she guessed...

Other Stories


This is What Life's About
The Pteri flew through the air, his wings outstretched and slicing through the wind in a graceful dance...

by chirigami


Gift of Sharing
The only thing that these rowdy Lupes shared in common was their apparent taste in toys and gifts, which they could never agree on sharing...

by yippo_yippee


The Charitable Month
There are plenty of things you can do this time of year to give a little back to the Neopian community.

Also by jrtluver1994

by iluvchocolate_91


The Advent Calendar: Exposing the Truth
Who is behind this operation? Who has the money to buy the paint brushes? Who has the innovative ability to create two new items a day?

by bball6578


The Horrors of Neoquest, part six
Awww, a hatchling drakonid!

by kalvaja


Merry Christmas! :D

by sue_sa

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