Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 184,475,310 Issue: 463 | 1st day of Collecting, Y12
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Continued Series

The Prophecy Faeries 2: Imagen's Revenge - Part Nine

When the four faeries reached the royal chambers, there was no sign of Imagen.

by alex313
An Eternity Unbreakable: Part Eight

"Only fools would think they could escape my wrath."

Also by 777lehuanani

by ludmilia

Breaking News: Part Six

If he could figure out what Mr. Jennings was up to, and stop him, everything would go back to the way it was. He'd be safe. He'd be in control again.

by herdygerdy
The Hero From Meridell: Part Eight

Kade's head dropped. "We're probably too late then."

Also by bestpet21

by seuzy13

Avey's Castle of Hope: Part Five

Rosalina Siara shook her head. "Avey, I'm very disappointed in you," she said coldly, trying to contain her anger.

by puppy_girl252
Princess of Prophecy: Part Four

We had spent two days in this cave. I was starving, and I missed Calissa.

How would we get out?

by saeryena

Seeded: Part Four

Isabelle couldn't see a thing. The entire clearing had been immersed in a supernatural darkness, heavier and blacker than even the most starless night.

by vanessa1357924680
Paparazzi: Part Three

I cannot tell you how annoying failure is. I thought that as a villain I could handle it...

by a_greenparrot
The Tales of Maraqua: Part Four

The others didn't expect me to perform as badly as that... but that's since we never faced Krawk Island during the first Altador Cup.

Art by desert_gp_dragon2oo5

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5

The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Three

"Really, do you think, even if there was a trap, that it'd be that elaborate?"

by xaetear
Magic Vs. Money: Part Three

The front door of NeoCorp headquarters slid open with an oddly malevolent whoosh as she came up to it, then shut behind her with the same vaguely threatening sound.

by al_bester
The Sorcery Society: Part Two

"Merah is obsessed with the whole magic thing now. She's bought all these books - real books, actually, about magic and becoming a sorceress or whatever."

by iris220_ll
The Same Old Story: Part Two

"I only eat brains," he replied simply. Looking around the table, I noticed none of Clare's pets were eating, just eyeballing us greedily.

by werelupe25_25_25
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"The Healer" by atarenya
Stillness. All was quiet, for once. There should have been faeries flying here and there. Faerieland, after all, had always been popular with visitors, and its own radiant citizens had always been so very visible there. Instead, now, the faeries were silent, cold stone, and the pleas for help that had always rung out across Neopia now went unanswered. Gallynah shivered to herself...

Other Stories


Double Agent
She keeps to herself. No one knows her real name...

by jessiemarie89


The Healer
The faeries were silent, cold stone, and the pleas for help that had always rung out across Neopia now went unanswered.

by atarenya


Which Turdle Are You?
The fine minds at Gaseous Moonpie Incorporated (read: me and my posse of Babaa) have spent years studying all aspects of Neopia and have devised a quiz which will help you find yourself again.

by moonset


Why We Don't Need Our Faeries
I don't think anyone could have anticipated how great a Neopia without faeries would be.

by stoicjohn


At The Dailies
Could it be...?

by petaliss


Random Oddness
Yeah, that shop is like six years old now.

by mistyqee

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