Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 184,867,938 Issue: 488 | 1st day of Eating, Y13
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Continued Series

Lady Sandstorm: Part Nine

"Have the faeries arrived yet?"

Nabile shook her head. "Not a sign of them."

by saphira_27

Six Names, Six Lives, Six Owners, One Terrible Tale: Part Nine

"I'm dreaming," I said.

by ilovcanis
The Remnant: Part Six

He wished only that he could feel like himself again, for in his heart he knew that he was no longer quite in command of his own actions...

by jokerhahaazzz
Aria of the Aeons: Part Five

He couldn't go back to where he had been before Val and Drake had forced him to go talk to Invi. Things had changed in those short minutes...

by kittengriffin
Jhudora's Journal: Part Five

"Terri?" I called, taking a step toward her. The next sound was my shrill scream as someone slapped her hand over my mouth and aimed a spell at me.

by sheik_30999
Meridell at War: Part Three

Though absorbed in the task at hand, Darigan could not help but notice when the candle lighting his desk flickered momentarily, casting fresh shadows...

by herdygerdy
The Prophecy Faeries 3: Linisa's Return - Part Four

Fyora sat in her conference room. Across the table was King Hagan, who looked as weary as she felt.

by alex313
Popular for the First Time: Part Four

"Well, well, well, look who's back to get their stuff," Kiley laughed as Bliss entered the door.

Also by st83_star174

by star_artist_girl

The Citadel Quest: Part Three

"You'll find, sir, that I am extremely skilled at reading people and anticipating their next move."

by peirigill
The Case of the Missing Quest Items: Part Three

Rika gulped down the coffee, poured herself another cup, then said, "I have obtained something from... an associate, which will allow us to find out where that tunnel leads."

by mystie06
Worlds Apart: Part Two

Orell was the nicest guard in the dungeons of Meridell Castle. He never yelled. He rarely got angry. He always smiled.

by tanikagillam
Happily Ever After?: Part Two

"I'm just here to learn how the adoption process works, and how Neopets find families. I've never had a family before, so I thought I would try it out myself for a few days."

by majikel
The Return: Part Two

How could they just forgive her like that? How could they forget how she left us for three years?

by hersheykis96
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Guide to Lutari Island

I'll start with the Lutari Savings Bank, because who doesn't like money? (Neopians who reject the principle of monetary success as life's ultimate goal and choose to live self-sustainingly, that's who, but I'm not here to talk about them.) This is pretty much like the National Neopian—you can withdraw, deposit, and collect interest. However, if you think about it, it's actually very convenient. Imagine this: You're in the Island Market (I'll get to that later), happily bartering for food and books and the like, when you...

Other Stories


Reflections: Captain Scarblade
I have my ship, I have the sea, and that's all I really ever needed.

by ntkgwgoty


Zapped From a Myth
"I got a weird feeling about today, Taws," Lope stated, looking up at the Kougra. "Something's not right."

by filter


Vampire Neopets; A Short Guide
When raising a non-evil but not necessarily good vampiric neopet, one must discourage random attacks on normal Neopians...

by magicalcameron


Backgrounds on a Budget
As hard as it is to customize beautifully, sometimes the right background can make or break an entire outfit.

by lutari_lover_555


Land of Pacman
Lutari Island is pretty impressive, isn't it?

by pacmanite


The Dreams of a Mootix Nester
What these little critters dream about when they're all curled up in their snug little nests...

by dark_angellife

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