Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 186,039,651 Issue: 503 | 15th day of Swimming, Y13
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Continued Series

All Just a Little Bit of History Repeating: Part Eight

There was nothing else to do for Jennings but wait.

by herdygerdy
Neopia, Year 200 Book II: Earthly Winds - Part Nine

Yorick took a tentative step forward and peered closer at the Air Faerie, who was frozen with utter surprise— literally. Even her cerulean hair, which appeared to have been, in life, a raging sea of curls, looked to have been tamed by the force that had enchanted the rest of her body.

by klaus239
Cerena's Song 2: The Amulet's Curse - Part Nine

Right as I reach for the doorknob, I hear footsteps behind me.

"So, you came back."

by btcomsa12

Sailing the Stars: Part Seven

No sooner had they reached the door, however, when it burst open and three huge Mutant Grundos in uniform burst out of it, firing blasters rapidly.

by bugsypal9
Secrets of Shiryoku: The Gift - Part Five

Hanso grinned. "I would've told you about it earlier, Brynn, but then that would defeat the purpose of calling it a secret hideout..."

by catlit262
Herald of Darkness: Part Five

"Punishment?" Chleofa the air faerie called. "Punishment? You had better believe you will receive a punishment, my Queen!"

by treihaven
A Lesson Well Learned: Part Four

"Give it up, Ursula. It wasn't him. You did your best, though."

by horripilated
The King of Diamonds - A Letter: Part Three

"Eleanor, you have your task; Captain Trueheart and Princess Safara will return tomorrow morning, and we must have the fake diamonds ready by then."

by cookiethelion
From Mud to Royalty: Part Three

"So what are you planning on having the Fountain Faerie paint you?"

by thesundims
Hannah, Garin, and the Terribly-Named Treasure: Part Four

"Garin had better find that treasure soon and come back ready to take our ship back, because I honestly don't know how much more of this I can take."

by trisshamster
Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Three

"Do you have a headache?" asked the Elephante. I nodded hesitantly, and she immediately dumped a glob of green goop on my head.

by hedgehog_queen
Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Two

"When, though, and why?" Nil wondered aloud, tossing aside the remainders of the ummagine. Even after fifteen years of random visions, most of them still made hardly any sense.

by yotoll
A Darker Shade: Part Two

One day, I was adopted.

by goodsigns
A Tale of Two Acaras: Part Two

It wasn't until he was thrown into the streets when he realized (from a reflection in a puddle) that he was strangely altered. His usual handsome face was now a ruddy yellow—like that of a peasant...

by secant
Of Potions and Paintbrushes: Part Four

Drakovitch sat in the laboratory on the top floor of the mansion. He was diligently tending to a cauldron that was bubbling away on the fire...

Also by antiaircraft

by masaryk_the_mad

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15 Things For Your Kiko

It's Kiko Day! Once again, we celebrate those bobbing balls with big hands and warm personalities. There really is no Neopet that could even claim to be a Kiko. They are just like no other. So, to celebrate these wonderful but crazy creatures that inhabit a place that would just be called 'Lake' without them, I decided to put together a list of 15 things that your Kiko will love, along with their prices. Prices are estimations of cost of the item from an owner-owned shop, not a Neopian-owned shop. Here we go...

Other Stories


The move to Mystery Island was the least of my worries.

by neozxc20


The Life of a Hopeless Habitarium Pinchit
They never knew what happened to the others.

by sweetj912


15 Things Your Kiko Will Appreciate
It's Kiko Day! Once again, we celebrate those bobbing balls with big hands and warm personalities.

by roversydneygirl


How to Stop Yourself From Becoming a Trading Zombie
Are you really happy with the constant swapping of pets?

by super_star12001


A Neopets Guide to Getting Painted

Also by telozan

by inuyashalover37


It's A Long Story: Issue #1
THAT was a petpet?!!

by or4nges

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