The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 186,164,154 Issue: 504 | 22nd day of Swimming, Y13
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Continued Series

Neopia, Year 200 Book II: Earthly Winds - Part Ten

"Good to see you're awake, Yorick," Braxis said, standing next to Kauthena at the foot of the Draik's bed. "You weathered a pretty bad storm."

by klaus239
Sailing the Stars: Part Eight

"Take this!" Sloth yelled and they saw two large missiles launch from his ship, heading straight for them!

by bugsypal9
Secrets of Shiryoku: The Gift - Part Six

We knew that we had to leave. We still had a chance to change this alternate reality if we did.

by catlit262
A Lesson Well Learned: Part Five

"My guess is he's still back at the institute somewhere, along with all the other students who mysteriously vanished during the last week."

by horripilated
From Mud to Royalty: Part Four

"Fyora's castle is huge, and it's not like we can walk in and ask a faerie, 'Hi, where does Fyora keep all her valuable items?'"

by thesundims
Hannah, Garin, and the Terribly-Named Treasure: Part Five

"Oh, no, no, no, no, no. This CANNOT be happening."

by trisshamster
Messenger: The Trouble With Selkets - Part Four

"Here we are," Midnight announced, as a huge wall loomed into sight. "Sakhmet." The city was bright, hot, and busy...

by hedgehog_queen
Visions: Journey to Shenkuu - Part Three

The Wocky pulled back the string, sure of his aim. Nil had to act without flaw or hesitation or else the Lupe would die.

by yotoll
A Darker Shade: Part Three

"Sure," he said. "Lots of people love their pets."

"But you don't?"


by goodsigns

A Tale of Two Acaras: Part Three

"I enjoyed today very much, but I miss Meridell," Jo said timidly.

"Nonsense," snapped the Dark Faerie.

by secant

Of Potions and Paintbrushes: Part Five

She found herself walking through the National Neopian's grand, imposing, metre-thick doors and into the lobby inside...

Also by antiaircraft

by masaryk_the_mad

The Painted Pets Club: Part Two

"Don't go," urged Stacy. "They're nothing but a bunch of pretentious snobs, pretending to be better than everyone else."

by sunbeams
More Powerful than Magic: Part Two

"How? She's been a statue for fourteen years! How in Neopia could she have gotten loose?"

by saphira_27
Suns Ablaze - Story One: Part Two

The rain was hitting harder now, forcing the waves to wash closer to the Cove on the shore. "I don't remember it being this dark,' Molly murmured...

by havittaa
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"Just Siblings" by pringlz
Kattevo sat back in his chair at the breakfast table, sighing contentedly. He glanced at his sister, who was daintily finishing her Purple Bruce Cereal. She wrinkled her nose. "I think it's a little stale," she informed him of the cereal's taste. He smiled indulgently at her - Tetchla's sense for things of lesser quality appealed to the whole family. He stood, then glanced at her with a look in his eyes...

Other Stories


Tuesday's News
"I want you to get your lazy rear out of bed for once. We're going somewhere!"

by merlynia


Unfinished Business
Occasionally a passing guard or security drone would stroll by and break the silence, but nothing else did – nothing, that is, save for three dark-cloaked figures darting through the bright halls.

by sporty2443


Inexpensive Paint Brushes: A Guide to the Cheapest!
There are many different paint brushes that don't cost Neopia and still look pretty cool on your neopet.

by fluppee__aa


Habitarium Break Strategy Guide
How to prepare your Habitarium for your absence and how to restart when you are back again.

by horsecrazyirishgirl


Can you sign my living creature?

by zieloh


Petpet Battles - Old School
Survival of the fittest! ...Or the one that can move.

Idea by sylviau

by laughitoff123

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