Meow Circulation: 189,155,419 Issue: 549 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y14
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Continued Series

Only Human: PartThree

She took another tentative step forward.

Why did her owner have to do stupid things like this?

by futurevetpet

The Scarab and the Sea: Part Ten

Scarblade only laughed – a cold, harsh noise without a trace of joy. "You're in an interesting position to be making demands, Captain Tomos."

by saphira_27
Greenglade: Part Nine

Laerya also looked down, groaning at what she saw. It wasn't just a long way down; in this darkness, she could not see the ground. It looked like an abyss...

by aquadaika
Mr. Jennings Must Die: Part Five

"I just need to ask you a few questions," Black said, but then paused. "How did you hear about the arrest? I thought most wizards didn't leave the Museum."

by herdygerdy
The Game of Master Hog: Part Three

Seven different envelopes, each containing a different cryptic riddle. Each signed off with the same two letters.


by d_morton

The Eternal Paint Brushes: Part Two

Out here, deep inside the thickets of the Haunted Woods, he wasn't King Altador any longer.

He was the Hunter.

by rider_galbatorix

Finding a Home: Part Two

"Zachary!" Cassie hissed, her eyes going wide. 

"I hear it," he whispered calmly, slowly standing up.

The two of them stood as still as statues, not daring to...

by angelpuss535

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"Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter VIII" by kristykimmy
"Well, there are some ruins that have recently been discovered near the river. They are buried very deep, and we believe that they extend under it. They might predate Sakhmet by four-hundred years. The Royal University of Sakhmet is funding an archeological exploration of the ruins, and Terri and I have been put in charge of the dig..."

Other Stories


Delma's Bet
Not many people knew this, but there was always a bit of an extra-secret rivalry between Darigan Citadel and Faerieland during the Altador Cup.

by auraichadora


Unwitting Magic
Once upon a time, very long, long ago, in the dry vastness of the Lost Desert, there was an evil sorcerer named Khaten...

by spotlightstarzafara


Elderly – What It Is And What It Is Not
Oops... what happened with your young neopet?

Also by sky_lady

by realidade


Different Neopets Dreams
There are loads of different, specific Neo-obsessions people have that translate into their everyday life, so much so that players often dream Neopets dreams...

by palidus_tomato


Woes of Expensive Taste

by fooshfuush


Random Oddness
Tangeriiine does not advise trying this at home.

by mistyqee

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