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Continued Series

Begin Again: Part Four

Deep bags hang under Hedera’s eye. She lowers the stein, ruggedly wipes her face; and once again spends several seconds chugging at it. She spent twenty minutes eating nonstop when she first awakened – her baggy clothes do nothing to hide the thinness she gained while she was out. Lukirri shudders. What was happening to her?

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998

The Legacy of the Black Pawkeet: Part Nine

I ran as fast I could toward the docks and the Black Pawkeet, but my injury was slowing me down. To make matters worse, I could hear someone running after me. I didn’t dare to look behind me. I didn't have to, to know they were catching up.

Also by medit92

by teamchao466

The Sisterhood of Terra and Phee: Part Three

"Terra!" The Pink Uni calls her name so enthusastically, it's almost frantic. I couldn't discern what else she said. It was too low for my still-dreaming brain. It was too fast. We were just waking up when she came in. It's a Tuesday. When we passed the menu board last night at supper, I noticed when I looked under 'Tuesday's Meals!' that we weren't having tacos. I should have known right then.

by lizzy_beth_750551
Adventures Aren't Just in Books: Part Two

I groan. My head feels like it is about to split open. I slowly open my eyes but the sudden brightness just makes me feel even worse than I had before (which is saying something) so I close my eyes again. I hear a door open to my left and a couple of people step through.

by kitstar1
Turning Pages: Part Three

“I a-assure you, g-good lady, your daughter is ab-absolutely fine.” Sir Alberts continuously pulled at his collar, causing it to wrinkle. He was shaking, not necessarily because of fear, but because of the quaking of a much larger Krawk above him. Each pounding step sent shockwaves rumbling from beneath his feet.

Also by parody_ham

by warriorsrock965

On The Revolution of Heavenly Spears: Part Two

When Ryshu entered the school the next day, he had absolutely no idea what to expect. He had a few theories, though none of them were concrete: first, that the Master wouldn’t be there to welcome him, and second, that he was expected to be in the same room as the one he was in the day before.

by sampleneopian
After ACX: Part Five

Part Five - Mutant

I’m the best of all of them. I do mean it, I really am. I love being Mutant. Normal was boring and Faerie just infuriating! Yeah, sure, I looked good, but now, Mutant? It’s the best. I know it’s not usual, but I wish I could just stay Mutant.

Also by lil_em06

by swimmingstar01

A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Two

From the dungeons of the palace, Vyssa could hear the cheers and applause of the crowd. The cells were not far from the great steps and high on the wall near the ceiling was a small, barred window letting all of the outside noise in. Very faintly, she could hear Frezon’s booming voice. She’d almost fainted when she heard the boos and hisses, hoping beyond hope it was a sign of people realising Frezon was bad...

by dudeiloled
To Succeed is to Fail: Chapter Two

Fear me not. Hmm, I rather enjoy those three words. They provoke feelings of intense emotion at rather opposite extremes. I am telling you not to fear me. You, listener, should take comfort in the idea that "me", as an entity, will not harm you. I am here merely to entertain you, to provide you with a convoluted, yet surreal tale.

by rielcz
The Ski Lodge Mystery: Part Two

Jaellana sped towards the igloo with Revan at her heels. When they burst open the door, vials and books were scattered everywhere. Luckily, Jaellana had placed the History of the Ski Lodge V1 in Revan’s backpack after reading it. Revan saw one of the cupboard doors trembling and pointed to it.

Also by ceara52.

by therainbowsheep

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One Hundred Games - Part Two

These articles feature information on the first hundred games in the history of Neopets, including some that have been forgotten by most of the public. It's informative and, depending on how much you like history, entertaining, so sit down and get ready. Let's dive right in...

Other Stories


Nowhere To Go But Up
It was in the middle of the night when Baby blue JubJub Claire woke up, scared and alone in the Haunted Woods. All she could see in the distance, was a sign saying "Edna's Tower". Confused as to how she wound up there, she proceeded to slowly tip-toe towards the large castle. Glowing with green, it seemed to be the safest place around.

by taravdr


The Advisor's Test
Chantelle fiddled with the bonds around her wrists, listening to their rusted squeaks as each individual chain link scraped against the other. The footfalls of the Eyrie guard behind her echoed through the desolate halls of the citadel’s palace. His armor clanked with every step.

by likelife96


One Hundred Games - Part Two
These articles feature information on the first hundred games in the history of Neopets, including some that have been forgotten by most of the public. It's informative and, depending on how much you like history, entertaining, so sit down and get ready. Let's dive right in...

by azienskieth


Backpacking On A Budget - Part 5
We’ve reached the final part of this series and so have now covered the basics of backpacking on a budget as well as a suggested route around the various realms of Neopia. As the last article ended in Krawk Island the next land I recommend you visit is Faerieland.

by equinewhispers


Vegeterrible - Part 2
Everyday struggles of being a fruit/veggie chia

by pirate_11


Fur Troubles
Oh no, not again...

by sara1elo

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