Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,924,599 Issue: 725 | 25th day of Running, Y18
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Continued Series

Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Eight

It had been more than a full day since Buzz Johnson had absconded with Morphica, and Elise was nursing a headache. It was mostly caused by Bluejay. Her younger brother just would not shut up about having been right not to trust Buzz to be alone with Morphica.

by kristykimmy
The Adventures of Trina: The Glass Key: Part Eight

“It’s settled,” she said to my ear. “We’re going after Trina.”

by ummagine3284
Janet and Jane: The Case of the New Addition: Part Five

I approached a store that was in the Marketplace. I went inside the store while James waited outside. The store was stocked with things, but had nobody in there. Not even the shopkeeper was in here. There was a cup that was on the counter and a sign that said, "Leave Neopoints in the cup" in big, black letters. That practically spelled out, "rob me".

by chasing_stars44
Lupe Pack Detectives-The Kidnapped JubJub: Part Two

To make matters worse, the flattened grass trail that Aura had found lead us to a popular local park, meaning that part of the trail had been wiped away by the scores of Neopians using the park for a variety of purposes. Our kidnappers definitely knew what they were doing when they went through the park during the dead of night.

by lupe_hunter_7
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"Voyage of the Haunted Canoe" by newenglandquizzer
Water swished gently against the hull of their little canoe. In daylight, the canoe glinted a deep red, but in the dark it seemed more like dried blood. Greebles peeped and Flightning Bugs buzzed out of sight on the riverbanks. The scene seemed peaceful enough, but not all the occupants of the canoe were so sure. “I still don’t really like this,” Shale hissed. The White Grundo gripped her paddle much tighter than she really needed. Even if her fingers weren’t white already, no one would be able to see her white knuckles through the slim-fitting gloves she wore. Her campmate, Lia, piped up behind her. “Neither am I—but mostly because I’m definitely the lightest out of all of us, which means I should be up front.” The Yellow Usul huffed. “Our weight load is unbalanced and it’s slowing us down.” “Quit it!” the third pet said, a Starry Cybunny. “I am fluffy. I barely weigh more than you. Besides, you can’t do this.” She turned and flashed a beam of light from the star on her forehead. Shale and Lia both squeaked and flailed their paws, trying to cover their eyes. Shale nearly dropped her paddle in her surprise. “Ouch! Bo!” Lia said. “Cease and desist, that’s far too bright!” Bo turned back to her position at the very front of the canoe, where she used her forehead flashlight to scope out the water ahead of them. “That’s what I thought. Now quit whining!” The Cybunny squinted. Ahead, wisps of white mist had begun to gather over the water, and the canoe headed right for it. “Looks like some fog is rolling in, girls…”

Other Stories


Purple and Orange
Pecka was lonely. And while this wasn’t an unusual experience, the fact that it was raining did not help. Everybody was gone.

by meadows_lark


Voyage of the Haunted Canoe
Water swished gently against the hull of their little canoe. In daylight, the canoe glinted a deep red, but in the dark it seemed more like dried blood. Greebles peeped and Flightning Bugs buzzed out of sight on the riverbanks. The scene seemed peaceful enough, but not all the occupants of the canoe were so sure.

by newenglandquizzer


Baby Care on a Budget
This guide will share some of the best baby foods and products so you can keep your baby plump and groomed with plenty of neopoints left over for pampering.

by _d_o_g_


Temporary Relief: Suggestions for Your Sick Neopet
Trips to the Healing Springs and purchasing the remedy to your ‘Pet’s illness from the Pharmacy or other users’ shops are proven to be 100 percent effective, but what could you do with your (insert species of your sick ‘Pet) when it seems like the rest of Neopia knows of their less-than-ideal health?

by peacelovebliss


Relationship Advice
Um, maybe a little too intense. Plan B?

by likelife96


Why Kads Pend Forever -- Epilogue
What are they so upset for?

Also by murillion.

by shadowlugia_92

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