White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 194,489,154 Issue: 769 | 17th day of Awakening, Y19
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Continued Series

Nonlinear Companions: Post Meridiem: Part Four

What if he had seen that it was Westron who was his assailant? What if he remembered when he came to? But I couldn’t think about that now. There were more urgent matters at hand. We needed to get him to the throne room.

by _starryeyedsurprise_
Welcome to White River: Part Three

She breathed in slowly, steeling herself as she entered. She could feel the change in the air as she entered, as heads slowly began to turn and stare. She spotted Enid, wearing a kilt and a dark brown shirt, a long swath of tartan fabric draping down her shoulder across her chest. She smiled, and gave Portia a thumbs up.

by hzoo_26
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"Bullies" by meadows_lark
She turns and storms off, her friends following uncertainly, the already near-empty halls echoing with their harsh footsteps. “I’m sorry,” the Gelert says, compassion coloring her voice. She has gathered the books and kneels beside you again. “I don’t know you.” Your voice is hoarse, but your vision has cleared and the tears are leaking from the corners of your eyes more slowly. “I’m new here,” she says. She takes the backpack and carefully places the books, taking extra care with the torn one. “I transferred here from a Neoschool in Roo Island. I saw you in math class, and it made me so mad when they were laughing.” Touched and confused by this sudden support, you mumble your thanks and take your backpack from her outstretched paws. Her courage astounds you; she is new here, and yet she is braver than anyone who walked past you during your moment of need. “Here,” she says, standing up and offering you her paw. “We can walk home together. Do you have siblings?” “Two sisters and a brother,” you mumble, hesitating at her offer. “We don’t wait for each other. They’re probably already gone.” “That’s okay,” she says, cheerfully. “You’ve got me.” You take her paw and she helps you to your feet. “I’m Adelaine. What’s your name?” she adds, watching as you zip your backpack up and pull it over your shoulder. You look at her cautiously, and as she smiles at you, you can’t help but smile back, for the first time in what seems like months.

Other Stories


Somehow, in some way, you have to get through until you can curl up in bed and lose yourself from the world. You can do it, you tell yourself. You did it yesterday, and the day before, and the day before, and the day before. You have to do it.

by meadows_lark


The Girl Guard
The captain had been willing enough to accept a girl into his guard - something other lands probably considered impossible. "Good morning students," he greeted us. "I trust you have met our newest student, Brynneth."

by erroro


Shenkuu River Rush: Rush To The Trophy!
Shenkuu River Rush is one of the 3D games available in Neopia, it's an immersive journey down the wild rivers of Shenkuu. With this guide, you'll become one of the top river surfers in Shenkuu, hopefully earning yourself a shiny new trophy! With this guide, you'll become one of the top river surfers in Shenkuu, hopefully earning yourself a shiny new trophy!

by alyseth


What To Do When You’ve Done It All
What do you do in Neopets when you feel like you’ve accomplished all you want to do? For me the answer came not when I was looking for it actively, but just as I was coming on daily

by hey_choking_hazard


Never Insult the Obvious

by littlegirlydude


Made by Slorg?
The new trend...

by janderson_lee

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