Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 195,069,709 Issue: 818 | 9th day of Running, Y20
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Continued Series

The Whispering Wail Sword: Part Five

They had found the whispering wail sword, she was convinced it was always just a myth, but here it was, glowing with power.

by purplehopper
Change Needs Growth: Part Three

Thank you to those who supported me and believed in my creativity the whole time. A big thank you to Mikey J and Papa Be

by jehtredmonkey
A Reunion in Meridell: Part Two

“Starting over from the simplest quest is enough punishment!”

by rocksysmom
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The Forgotten Hero

In these peaceful and pragmatic times, it is easy to forget things that should never be forgotten...things like heroes for instance; Heroes who mapped the course of the history of this great land through their self-less and sacrificial actions. One such hero has been forgotten, yet the actions of this one hero who, to this day, remains nameless changed the entire outcome of Tyrannian and even Neopian history forever.

Other Stories


Jhudora's Lament
So, you want my perspective after all these years? Fine.

by miraday


Seeking: One Master of the Universe
"Neopia. What a lovely planet. I think I'll take it.” Dr. Frank Sloth

by itipeque


The Impossible Made Possible - Food with Personality
The Neopian world is a world of possibilities.

by yuri445


The Guide and History to Dream Neopet Giveaway
In December 10th of 2010, Neopia have received a few news: Imposter Apple avatar was released, new Neocash items from the cards were available, a new chapter of the Faerie’s Ruins was launched... But the day after that, no one was expecting that: TNT released the brand new Holiday Dream Neopet Giveaway!

by i_love_kougra_


Saving Neopoints
I guess I should read it... Also by neschulz

by sthephanie


The Shopping Trip
Shopping can't be all that bad!

by trishabeakens

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