White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,025,990 Issue: 921 | 20th day of Storing, Y22
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Continued Series

Brothers in Stars

Rohane is stuck in the Simulation as Reuben tries to figure out a way to reach him!

by precious_katuch14
The Case of the Missing Acara

Ada the Transparent Blumaroo investigates a peculiar case...

by sunbathr
The Coffee Tavern: Beginnings

A small town Neovian coffee shop on the brink of failure tries risky, new recipes from a lost Meridellan boy.

by cyberfall
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Harnessing Slorg Happiness

Today we're going to learn how to harness the power of happiness with a little inspiration from one of the happiest petpets in all of Neopia: Slorgs! For a while, the happiest petpet in Neopia was a Smiley, but once they went into retirement, they were excited to pass the torch on to their Haunted Woods friends so they could share their cheerful spirit with everyone they came across. Every Neopian has their own narrative that shapes their worldview and themselves. Slorgs rewrite their stories every day, no matter what daily struggles they may encounter. They focus on making their 'inner Slorg voices' a hymn of praise. It doesn't come easily, so they have a list of practical items they do every day, and they've decided to share those items...

Other Stories


A witty villager must think his way out of a sticky situation with an angry King Skarl!

by crazy_mia


The Soup Faerie Takes A Vacation
Where would the Soup Faerie vacation to? Mystery Island of course. Read to find out all about it.

by _polonius_


An Altador Cup in Review
Looking back on this year’s Altador Cup! Collab with rodel_27phoenix

by parody_ham


Why Join A Guild?
Diving into a guild is making a leap of faith!

by daschuffita


BLACKOUT with a Vengeance - Part 7
The family is reunited!

by shellshocks


Petpetpet Problems
Whoa! It's a Cooty!

by elipsis4k

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