Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,621,610 Issue: 993 | 6th day of Collecting, Y25
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Continued Series

The Shoyru Spy

"Knocking the guards out proved easier than expected, and after Luna picked up the keys to the dungeon from one of the guards’ pockets, Luna and Sylas quickly made their way to the dungeons..."

by iwonder
Knight & Squire: Unwilling

"'Time to wake up,' an armoured, White Ixi kicked the lower bedframe of Rowan’s cot..."

by terpsichorean_writer
The Sleepers of Saint Garfir

"The Hall of Ceremony was filled with third-year students and Miphie very much wished that some of those grand, arching windows lining the ornate walls would be opened an inch..."

by josephinefarine
The Box from 10,000 Years Ago

"Teca then shifts her gaze to the 'stone' she received, noticing a beautiful blue glow under all the dirt. Curiosity piqued..."

by chantili_doce
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"Babies Day Out" by rosemmary
As the small group of little dragon girls skipped towards the ticket gates of the Roo Island Annual Carnival, their excitement grew. The Carnival music was wafting through the air, mixed with the smells of popcorn cotton candy, and the corndogs frying. They paid for their tickets and made their way through the crowd pausing occasionally to watch the assorted performers. When the sword swallower pushed the blade down his throat, Shyroes squeaked and hid her face behind her friends’ backs. The fire breather blew his flames, and Draikeys playfully blew her own flames alongside, and the crowd cheered at the sight. Soon they came to the Ferris wheel and all four girls handed over their tickets and climbed into one seat together. The ride operator locked their seat and the girls giggled as the wheel began to take them into the bright blue sky. As the Ferris wheel reached the top, it paused, giving the girls an amazing view of the carnival and the island. In the distance, they could even see the nefarious Count Von Roo’s tomb, and Skeittyx was struck with a terrible idea… they could go and peek at him while he was sleeping… The other three girls sat in astonished silence, with gaping faces and wide-eyed stares at Skeittyx. The wheel started moving again which...

Other Stories


The Call of Krawk Island
An impossibly hot midday sun beat down on James’ wet fur.

by tazmiko


Butterfly Effect
A beautiful spring day beckoned the Borodere siblings as they enjoyed a weekend away from responsibilities and duties.

by parody_ham


12 Faerie Avatars to Use During the Faerie Festival
With this year's return of the great Faerie Festival, we couldn't help but celebrate! How about we also pay tribute to our beloved Fairies of Neopia by representing them with a beautiful Faerie avatar on the Neoboards? Collab with higs_pagodeiro

by dinha_reeves


A Season of Halloween Fun has Just Begun!
October, the month of Halloween is a wonderful time of year when everything from spooky to cool to pretty is all more than appropriate.

by nathobatho


Er..what are you doing?

by cardboardfish


Home Cooked Meal
Let's make some ourselves!

by prulletje1852

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