Hey team! A few years back, there was talk of implementing an "other/NA" option for user genders. Is that still something we could feasibly get? It'd be an amazing thing to have. It'd also be great to have that for pets, but one thing at a time, haha. ~ tytoes We did in fact implement this! Go check your settings and behold the wonders of the "Other" option!
Hey CQ! In the past, there've been Gift Box Capsule sales on Black Friday where the month's GBCs would be at reduced prices on Friday and for the rest of the weekend. Are you guys planning on doing that this year? ~ piratepaintrox5 It is indeed the plan my friend. A little holiday treat, from us to you!
Hello CQ, I will be moving from the States to Europe in early December. My question is do I need to notify you guys at TNT that I'll be moving across the world and playing from there come December? (Like one day I'll be logged in the States then in Europe and I'll still visit the States very often) but if so, then how do I go about letting you guys know? How does that work with playing Neo? I don't wanna be froze due to the system thinking I'm being hacked or something when it's me just moving. This is my side so you can leave name. Thank you. ~ se7vens Hi! Wow - big move! No worries - there is no need to let us know, it shouldn't be an issue.
Some newly activated petpets are stocking in main shops even though they never have in the past. Eventide Skelly, Valentine Slorg and Darigan Drackobunny. Should we expect all painted petpets to regularly stock from now on like this?! Thanks! ~tizzlestix Whoops - that was a mistake on our end. We've gone ahead and fixed that, so all should be good now!
Um, a few weeks back, I submitted a poem to the poetry competition, and I still haven't received any kind of rejection/acception/held over neomail. I was just wondering if that was... normal? It said I would get a reply back in about twenty-four hours, but that was about two or three weeks ago? I know we're not supposed to re-submit things because then that's puts it at the back of the line again, but I think something went wrong. What should I do? It is normal! I'm not sure where 24 hours came from, as it does usually take longer than that to hear back, so just hang tight - you'll get a neomail when our judge gets to it!
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