Hi. Lately, I've been hearing comments from a lot of people who are understandably miffed because someone impersonated them and sent out a bunch of spam mails, or because they received 50+ spam mails. Is there just one person who is continually doing this, or do we need a broader crackdown on impersonation and spamming? I think that adding "no impersonation" to the rules page on the boards would be a good idea. Hi. This was reported to the monitors and the person who was spamming those messages was taking advantage of a glitch that has now been patched. So you shouldn't have any more issues with this type of spamming, however if you ever do have any issues please report the messages to the monitors so they can investigate. Thanks!
Did you guys forget to update the story telling competition?~~_sissiy_sis_369 Since we just started the Storytelling Competition up again, we have understandably not been receiving many entires. We have been trying to end the most recent story but have not received any entries to finish it the past few days. So please submit! We would love to hear from you.
Why does Trudy's Surprise reset and is not playable the Monday of the time change?Sorry about that, for some reason DST messed with the servers and caused some confusion. The good news is, that day did not cause anyone to lose their streak.
Greetings, people of the Neopets Team. I have noticed an error in the description for the Silver Helmet -- it claims that the item was "forged by faeries a millenia ago". "Millennia" has two N's, but also is plural; one "millennia" is a "millennium", as I am sure the esteemed Neopian Times editor knows. I request that this mistake be edited for clarity.~~jara_hamee Good catch and thank you for letting us know! The item description has been updated.
The Burlap color for Ogrins is in the pool but you can not paint your pet. Please get the Burlap for Ogrins fixed.~~fridaylass Burlap is a lab exclusive colour, therefore it cannot be painted. It can only be zapped!
Hey TNT. Can we please activate Underground Tunnel Background? Thank you so much in advance :)~~tarons This item is actually active, it is an R101 (meaning its exclusive to a specific prize pool). So you can only obtain this item through this certain element of the world.
Is there a chance that the Delina quests will be fixed for those of us who aren't getting any, or are we out of luck?~~neohomeninja We understand there are some glitches with Faerie Quest. It has been difficult to solve some of these issues but we are doing our best to fix it as soon as possible.
Hey there editorial! Recently I was playing dress-up with some of my pets (you know how they can be, wanting new outfits with the seasons or just on a whim!) and I noticed a LOT of my backgrounds were also zoned as foregrounds making it very hard to combine some of my backgrounds with other items to give my pets the most stellar of looks. I was wondering if the following (buckle up, the list is long!) could be zoned like they are supposed to and act as just backgrounds: Lustrous Forest BG, Atsumis Abode in the Forest, Chilling Hallway BG, End of Battle BG, Enter the Battle BG, Flower House BG, King Hagan Collectors Balcony BG, MME24-B: The Seekers Conclave BG, MiniMME12-S1: Grand Maractite Hall BG, Neopia Central BG, Stocking Stufftacular 2018 BG, Swanky Lounge BG, Welcome to the Haunted Faire BG, Delicate Earth Faerie BG, Spring Fields BG, and Rainy Spring Day BG Sorry for the long list! Thanks for reading (:~~padfoot_rox_my_sox All of the backgrounds you listed are actually built in two parts by our artists. So this means that one part of it is a background and the other part is a foreground. This way it layers well and looks nice!
So one of my petpets won the PPL (yay!!), and got a gold trophy (double yay!!!). However, on the PPL page it says "each week they select a Petpet and award the owner 10 NP for every day they have been owned". My pet got her trophy, but I didn't get any NP awarded for the number of days I'd had the petpet on there. Is this a new thing to not have the NP awarded now (as my Dad had a PPL winning petpet on his Neopet a few months ago, and didn't get the NP either), or have the Meepits been playing with the coding and caused it to glitch? Thanks :) Hi! This is a really weird issue, could you please send in a ticket to support so we can investigate further?
Hey there TNT! Been a member forever. Could you put a picture of a plumpy eating cake at the end of the Neopian Times? Thank you!~~tabascosoup
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