There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 111,439,808 Issue: 182 | 17th day of Running, Y7
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New Series

A Story of My Life: Part One

I sat there in the rain. I will never forget that moment of my life. Not ever. Not even when I'm old and have a memory disorder. I felt my whole head spin around, I clutched Johnny's arm and felt myself sink into the ground.

by sarahsuk
Brought Together: Part One

"Around the top of Terror Mountain lives a Neopet..." she began. "She sells all kinds of herbs. I need a specific herb I believe she may carry."

by springsteen0991
Rad'emant Tineela: Part One

Bill tightly clenched the sword and slowly paced around Thomas as he carefully examined every angle. As the Lupe stood unwaveringly, he bided his time and waited for the Techo to strike first.

by dragonfate
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"Meridell, Her Home" by blubblub317
She had hoped that maybe pets would understand that today she would have liked to relax and celebrate and not have to work recklessly...

Other Stories


"Little one, cry no more. Your obnoxious owner has been taken care of."

by precious_katuch14


The End to All Joy
Where was she? In Central, Roo Island, in Tyrannia? None of these seemed to ring a bell. Mystery Island? No… Terror Mountain? Why couldn't she remember where her homeland had been?

Also by slayer_596

by _sunset_phoenix


Good Goals Get Grins
Have you ever thought about why you are on Neopets? What you want out of it? How about why people are so obsessed in obtaining a certain item?

by _cutie_pie_12321


A - Z for Newbies
A is for Avatars.

by ripplina


*sigh* Brothers...

by freekygal


Neopia Acres
It's not my fault!

by wyomingslim

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