Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 99,279,380 Issue: 195 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y7
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New Series

True Friends: Part One

The two stopped after Neoschool each day to admire the dress, and indeed it was worthy of admiration...

by extreme_fj0rd
For The Life of a Pirate: Part One

Wouldn’t it be fun to sleep in a hammock instead of a boring, unmoving bed, with the salt spray in his face and the wind blowing across the deck?

by nut862
The Son of Sahkmet: Part One

"No. I'm more confused. I feel like I'm being left of something, like how you and my uncle stop talking when I come in a room. You try to act normal, but I can tell something is going on."

by twirlsncurls5
Teaching Mr. Bristle: Part One

"Malara," the white Elephante's owner, Jared, called from downstairs. "Get up, you're going to be late for your first day of school!"

by springsteen0991
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"Dream" by bananas_and_cream
Why couldn't she have been born a faerie? She longed to live in the clouds now, more than ever before. Nobody would bother her!...

Other Stories


Anthoneisha looked up from her glass of chocolate milk, which she had been staring at intensely for no particular reason other than complete boredom. "You can't adopt a Chomby, you already have four pets," she said logically.

by joey200010


Why couldn't she have been born a faerie? She longed to live in the clouds now, more than ever before. Nobody would bother her!

by bananas_and_cream


Reviewing The Tax Beast And The Problems he Supplies
I'm positive a lot of users here have a bank account at the Neopian Bank, but for those of you who don't, be warned!

by tropicanadude107


How To Roleplay: Style!
This is not a guide for those who know nothing of the basics of roleplaying, but for those who would like to improve...

by orginalcliche


The Adventures of Koe and Jix

by newayu


And the Meepits Outgrabe
All by myself!

by kittylin

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