Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 99,276,740 Issue: 197 | 1st day of Swimming, Y7
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New Series

Curses, Inside-Out: Part One

Lord Darigan, looking rather like a gray gargoyle, had perched on the castle wall. "You know," she said to him, "there is a gate."

Also by Dreagoddess

by schefflera

The Curse of Maraqua: Memories - Part One

Carefully, he picked away the ferns with his claws. A baby Eyrie, much like himself, squabbled about in it, clicking his beak furiously...

by charlotte203368

By My Honor: Part One

"I want you to rise above where I spent my life." Her gaze returned to his eyes, sincere. "Tory, I want you to become a knight."

by laurelinden
Chain of Pearls: Part One

If the Bruce had been the one to decide the coming of age, she would certainly not have allowed Trisha such freedom tomorrow...

by shadowcristal
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The Truth About Turmaculus

Do any of us really know what goes on inside the mind of this mighty petpet? Many people believe that Turmaculus is a ruthless, if not lazy, cannibalistic petpet eater. Others, just a poor being looking for a little R&R...

Other Stories


A Friend Indeed
The reason I was in a rush was simple: I was on a job from the Faerieland Employment Agency. My task was to find two copies of 'Nerkmid Mania' and I only had 16 minutes to find and give them to my boss.

by xtrat


Pfish Neopians
"So, you think you might actually get one?" Giselle asked me as we walked along Rainbow Lane. "That's so exciting! You deserve it, you know. You've wanted it for so long."

by aigroegdede


Misleading Motives: The Money Tree's Secrets
With all of this generosity and fame, how could anyone ask the question, "Is the Money Tree evil?"

by mike2003ekim


Swarm - The Bugs Strike Back - Guide
The basis of the game is that you, a Wocky, have a job to do, and a swarm of evil fire spitting bugs aren’t making your day any easier.

Also by undeadfortune

by jeffc_7227


I Love You
Oh, there you are...

by sukuyumaruchan


Science Is Wet
This is a perfect example of how bothersome brothers can be... Poor Chila!

by ambrielle15

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