Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 177,117,063 Issue: 323 | 21st day of Celebrating, Y9
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New Series

Another Hero's Journey: Dreams - Part One

First of all, we would like to thank your brother Rohane and his comrade Mipsy for freeing us all...

by precious_katuch14
Three Wishes: Part One

"Wasn't it obvious that he was going to choose Royal?" she asked. "It's bad enough that he acts like he rules the world. And now he has the colour to match..."

by rachelindea
Table for Three: Part One

I asked Alana, and she says that if your family is okay with it, you can come up and visit for Christmas!

by psychopsam
Storm at Sea: Part One

Two figures ran through the darkness. They were some of the very, very few who were unafraid – they had grown up on these shadowy streets...

by saphira_27
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Finding the Perfect Gift

In nearly every store, I found someone pondering a shop display and fretting, “Well, I THINK he’d like it... I GUESS she’d want this... I don’t know, MAYBE this one would work...” Several threw up their hands, paws, or flippers in despair, and cried, “Oh woe is me! I’ll never find the Perfect Gift in time!” But never fear, my fellow Neopians! Help has arrived, in the form of a step by step guide: How to find the Perfect Gift! Simply read through the following steps, take notes as needed, and then set out into the wilds...

Other Stories


The Greatest Gift
"It wouldn't be a bad thing," said the mother as she leaned forward slightly. "Helping the poor, lost pets in the Pound could be good for you..."

by mew_mew_matrimony


Kristoff's Wish
The Cloud Lenny sighed. It was Christmas time again. Many Pets wished and longed and dreamed of being rich for the holiday season, of how happy all the money could make them...

by taipeiss


The Top 5 Ways to Prepare for a Neopian Christmas
A short, simple but effective guide to anyone wanting to quickly transform their Neopets account into a festive look!

by kitokat_mh


A Christmas Health and Safety Message
Our job here at the Neopian Bureau of Holiday Health and Safety (NBHHS) is to warn everyone of the true dangers behind these Christmas festivities.

by popolopolis_the_3rd_


Two and a Half Gelerts - Holiday Special

by silverqueengalaxia


Four Times Z #1
I've GOT it!

by space_angel300

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