Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 175,667,356 Issue: 359 | 12th day of Gathering, Y10
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New Series

The Book: Part One

Of course she had always been a mad old witch, but now people began to consider that she might be an insane old witch.

by herdygerdy
Rise and Fall: Part One

"As with all victories, there is a catch, Lord Terask."

by precious_katuch14
Freedom: Part One

While Gindara could see the future, she would only predict things that were either annoying or downright malicious...

by ewagon
Sunlight Sonata: Part One

"You're back. What about the blind one? Is he still here?"

by kittengriffin
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"Misfortune's Comb" by vanessa1357924680
Androma happened to have the record for the longest streak of consecutive Beauty Contest wins in the history of the competition, and she took pride in her accomplishment. No one in the long history of the competition had ever won a mindboggling fifty-one weeks in a row before, except for Androma. Just one more win and she'd be the Beauty Contest champion for a straight year. And she had no doubt in her mind...

Other Stories


It All Started At the Prize Shop
Puppyblew smiled. Today was the day that the prize shop opened.

by conniex299


The Draikess and The Red Coat
A smirk rested on her lips, and her right hand cradled a scimitar. "Do you suppose it is magic enough to save you from the bounty on your head?"

by tashni


A Closer Look at the Kadoatery
They don't have to wail so loudly, really. It's not as if they're not taken good care of.

by yoyote


Neopian Quiz
Here's how the quiz works... You have a number and then some initials for letters to make up a phrase.

by daughters_ofthe_moon


The Hopes and Dreams of ShopKeeper #1587

by lucky_oreo_13


Mashed Potatoes
What a punchline!

by third_potato

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