The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 175,204,523 Issue: 365 | 24th day of Collecting, Y10
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New Series

Fools and Children: Part One

"GitchiManitou," began the Faerie Queen in his vision earlier that night, "You have been chosen..."

by mamasimios
Telzleh's Quest: Part One

What would a Mutant do to return to her old form? A mysterious amulet seemed to know how.

by outsyder
The Adventure of Rhun and Noni: Part One

"Yeah, a good case," said Mut, the blue. "Apparently not even the Defenders of Neopia would take it."

by jeanaet
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"A Second Look" by iloenchen
Gritting his teeth, Matt stepped into the room, letting the oak door fall shut behind him and with it closing out the laughter. How long would he have to stay in the house? If he spent ten minutes in the entrance hall, would it be enough to get rid of Laurence for the rest of the year? They would never know that he hadn't gone farther...

Other Stories


The Secret Book of Chef Bonju
"Don't be silly," laughed Nuna, striding over to the desk. "You could probably write a book as good as mine."

Also by seegensays

by inge_123


Do You Still Love Me?
The insane scientist flipped a switch and I closed my eyes tightly...

by ilovemycatembers


Techo Says: A Comprehensive Guide to a Classic
The layout of the game consists of six Neopets in roughly an oval arrangement, though it is much easier to think of them as two rows of three Neopets.

Also by ecaligiu

by cyniska


Y25 - The Techo Era
No Meepits. No Dr. Sloth. But yet, a truly mortifying sight...

by hidden_0_o


Half-Eaten Love Berries
It seemed like a cool idea at the time...

by mystery881


The Money Tree
I so would like some more neopoints! =(

by tatadsb

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