Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 182,804,373 Issue: 456 | 13th day of Hiding, Y12
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New Series

An Eternity Unbreakable: Part One

Xeresa sighed, casting a glare at her compass. The rusted needle spun wildly even when she stood still, an obvious sign...

Also by 777lehuanani

by ludmilia

16th Petpet Brigade: A New Mission Statement - Part One

"It's a very important job we have, collecting the gifts for the Wishing Well to make the dreams of pets and owners come true..."

by smallpox__plum
The Hero From Meridell: Part One

He wanted to quit and go back inside for the day, but he knew he couldn't. This year's crops were growing poorly, and if he did not tend to them every day, he was almost certain he would lose them.

Also by bestpet21

by seuzy13

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"The Snowager's Cave" by lutari_lover_555
She envied her sisters right now. They were all back at home, enjoying warm, summery weather. They got to go bask in the sunlight near one of the ponds surrounding the house, if they wanted to. They could go play outside on the trampoline, without a care in the world. Portia was stuck bundled in half a dozen layers of thick clothing, freezing her tail off...

Other Stories


Flight School
Here's the thing: I'm terrified of heights.

by holydoodle


UnaRae's Awful Day
I sprang out of bed, as usual, but this morning I tripped over the skateboard that my brother Zadar had forgotten to put away...

by alt1981black


Affordable Books for Your Intellectual Pets
Just like in the real world, there are good books, bad books, and just downright weird books. But how can you tell which are which? That's what I'm here for!

by 1imagination_2movers


Neggs, Paint Brushes, and Morphing Potions. Oh My!
What an overwhelming exprience... whew.

by nascar19nfl


The Pursuit of Randomness - Part 6 of 7
They nauseate us.

Script by sk8zac

by moonflwr786


Another Sleepless Night
This is just an example of the nightmares Miku has from time to time...

by leetmango

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