The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 183,942,985 Issue: 478 | 21st day of Sleeping, Y13
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New Series

Outcasts: Part One

"You want to leave, Daffodil? Do you have any idea what it is like there?"

by dragon_imaginer
Bottled Beauty: Part One

"Celia, what do you think of this?" Milo asked me, picking up a small vase and showing it to me. The top was chipped, a long crack ran down the side, and it was covered with ancient Qasalan engravings.

by vanessa1357924680
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"The Xweetok of Faerieland Academy" by sporty2443
Xandra looked up at the Ogrin and grinned. "Can you believe it? The faeries have chosen me to study at their academy! I'm going to perfect my magic with the most powerful beings in Neopia!" Faerieland Academy was famed as the most advanced school of magic in the world. Designed for faeries, its coursework was far too rigorous for any but the most gifted of Neopet sorcerers to handle. Queen Fyora herself headed the school, and to be invited to study there was a great honour...

Other Stories


Neopian Idol
"Try to contain your enthusiasm as you CALMLY enter the house..."


by pretsel_is_back


Newcomer in the Nursery
I started a nursery several years ago, and have been trying mostly successfully to raise my three tiny tykes ever since.

by nurseryteacher28


What Type of Muffin Are You?
I considered for a LONG time what I should do. I was considering jellies, paint brushes, and even yo-yos. Muffins win!

by lola123_52


Gourmet Club
An adventurous spirit and the ability to look past what some may call unsavory is an absolute necessity!

Also by boombaby13

by blackwater444


In the Eyes of a Ghostkerchief
Everything isn't how it seems...

by piercecarter


Techopalooza: Waterfish
Its existence is incomprehensible.

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5

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