There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 184,867,939 Issue: 489 | 8th day of Eating, Y13
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New Series

The Squire and the Scholar: Part One

Lisha tried to suppress a snort. "It'd be nicer if your example was realistic, sir. Jeran won't let me any closer to a battle than he can help."

by saphira_27
Crossed Paths and Blades: Part One

Hannah didn't feel like working today. She had just come back from another raid in the Pirate Caves last night...

by medit92
Confessions Of A Musically Inclined Hissi: Part One

I didn't always have a voice.

by pandora
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Magical Healing Slorgs

During the panic and mayhem, an interesting topic came up: the healing properties of slorgs. In the confusion many cures were tested to try and shift the Scourgies. Some were proven to be successful, if only temporarily. Soup, goop and splints were just some of the cures that were attempted that for a short while shifted the barnacles that plagued Neopets. But as the day went on, one cure was proving to be more popular...

Other Stories


The Tale of Ever
Ever had existed since the people of Shenkuu had started writing down and recording their history.

by antique_bird


Breeze of Life and Silver Lining
Have a happy- er, sad- um, well, just have a Grey Day!

by misshoginpitt


Countdown of the 10 Cutest Faerie Petpets
A list of the ten cutest faerie petpets that reside in the lands of Neopia...

by simplysochic


Magical Healing Slorgs
It was an epidemic. Within hours thousands and thousands of Neopets had come down with a mysterious disease.

by alien_1155


Chance of Rain- Temper
You might do the same thing if someone took your picnic...

by mizumew


Extreme Cheeserolling!
Sometimes you just need that extra little boost....

by tuxedobird

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