Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 185,375,383 Issue: 496 | 27th day of Hunting, Y13
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New Series

My Enemy, My King: Part One

It has been many years since you have wielded your blade in the service of Qasala. As your king, I command that you return...

by saphira_27
All Just a Little Bit of History Repeating: Part One

Sometimes Mr. Jennings liked to walk at night.

by herdygerdy
Taelia's Pride: The Beginning - Part One

"This is gonna be so fun! I want to visit the Ice Crystals shop, and maybe go visit the Snowager—"

by smoothiegrrl
Seeking Treasure Beyond The Cup: Part One

Team Krawk Island need to get back to their piratical roots... Cue Hannah!

by chimp_chicken_fish
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"Seeking Treasure Beyond The Cup" by chimp_chicken_fish
"Oi! Soley!" It was Captain Garven Hale, the burly pirate Bori from the Altador Cup's Team Krawk Island. "SOLEY! Gerrup, yer lazy idiot." Dasher stirred in his sleep, twitching irritably, but relaxed once more to start snoring again. "DASHER!" Garven bellowed outside, pounding on the door once more, almost splintering the wood. The pirate...

Other Stories


Strawberry Milk
Rina glanced out her bedroom window and saw yellow and orange hues, signaling another day's conclusion. It was the perfect time to wake up.

by anime_cybunny


The Price Paid for Curiosity
Do not ever be too curious. Nessa was good proof of that.

by chess_girl


Round Table Poker - a guide
So, let's start with the basics. Akin to Cellblock and Invasion of Meridell, this game is non-flash.

by blackpandy


The Colloquial Yurble: Popular Phrases
"Some are born Yurbles, some achieve being a Yurble, and some have their species thrust upon them."

by kidagakash_nedakh


N.F.T.W. - Part 2 - Master's No. 1 Tip
Soo... It was HER. :O

by mooglerz


The Problem about V2 Neohomes
This must annoy many pets...

by computerchike

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