Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 185,576,530 Issue: 499 | 17th day of Relaxing, Y13
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New Series

Out of the Shadows: Part One

"Maijitesa! Maijitesa, run!" he screeched as he passed. "It's after me!"

by yami_no_prodigy
Secrets of Shiryoku: The Gift - Part One

"Xandra," the elder Ogrin asked the Xweetok, "what on Neopia are you doing?"

by catlit262
The Conundrum of Relations: Part One

Con smiled and did as he was told. Yes, he enjoyed having the infamous Eliv Thade for a friend.

by amb403
Herald of Darkness: Part One

It was guarded by dozens of spells, all with the intent to stop anyone from breaking out... or in.

by treihaven
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You searched the FAQs, checked the news, and even read a few game guides, but can't find the answer to your question. Now you are stuck with the dreaded neoboards. I know what you are thinking; they take too long, move too fast, or you just can't ever get an answer to your question, right? Wrong! The neoboards look intimidating, but friendly and helpful if you know how to ask correctly. This guide will help you make your experience in the neoboards less intimidating and hopefully provide you with a quick...

Other Stories


The Cure
The day was drawing to a close. The Neopian Pharmacy had seen few customers that day and for Nurse Sini, that was good news.

by havittaa


Just Too Bad
It wasn't anyone's fault. She was just destined to be the only one...

by letsgoeatsomecereal


Need Help? Get Answered.
Really, there is no secret group of people trying to prevent you from getting help.

by lil_princess_of_evil


NC or NP? Building the Perfect Outfit - Part Three
Let's go ahead and take a good long look at hand-held items this week.

Also by sinistrous

by agedbeauty


Shades and Hues 27
Meet the Family pt. 8/11 – The flaw of Novus's and Evodon's separation.

by mstr_dark


Brain Candy Mix! Things that make you go Ewww!

by tweakley

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