A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 186,509,625 Issue: 507 | 12th day of Hiding, Y13
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New Series

Torch in the Darkness: Part One

I stopped short as I realized I had ended up in, well, who-knows-where.

I was in a golden forest.

Art by ellbot1998

by ellbot1998

Thyla's Tale: Part One

It started out with a simple dream, and that dream would last through thick and thin.

by chestnuttiger787
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Proper Petpet Care

Abominable Snowballs are some of Neopia's most popular petpets. Few people actually realize how high maintenance these petpets are, though, so every year hundreds of these adorable creatures are abandoned. This article is to help you make an informed decision about whether you are one of the special neopians who can take care of these petpets. We will look at how to tell if an Abominable Snowball is right for you, the differences in the various colors, their habitat, food, and toys, along with tricks you can teach them and even the hazards of owning one...

Other Stories


A Letter to the Public, by Princess Lunara
As most of you are well aware, my disappearance wreaked havoc all over Shenkuu.

by armed_neopians


The Dare
Don't look up, thought the watcher.

Sahrani looked up.

by i_heart_xweetoks


Six Tips to Applying for Pets
If you've never done an application before, you might be wondering just how to go about it.

by littlebitlux


How to be Neo-Royalty – on the Neoboards
Most of us yearn to have our own land where we can be King or Queen, ruling over our loyal subjects with tenderness and care - or with an iron fist of pain and agony, depending on one's personality, that is.

by darkobsession


Pirates and Sudoku don't mix!
There's nothing like a relaxing game of sudoku to engage the mind unless it involves directing a rowdy bunch of pirates!

by frost_faerie


Out of Bounds
The best sport in Neopia deserves the best fans.

Also by conicer

by cartoonlover424964

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