Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 186,687,340 Issue: 509 | 26th day of Hiding, Y13
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New Series

Visions II: To Save an Ogrin - Part One

She heard the Ogrin Master's voice. Quickly, she ducked behind one of the pillars...

by yotoll
When Mr. Weatherby Forgot How To Say No: Part One

Hello, dear readers. My name is Victor Weatherby, and a most curious thing happened to me one strange winter.

by partonsvite
Freedom Reader: Part One

I had a big problem, a problem that, should it be discovered, I would never be able to live down for the rest of my life...

by little_bunny_heart
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Paint Brush Polls: Robot

Robot pets: rare treasures that must be coerced from your friendly neighborhood mad scientist Scorchio (or his long-retired, single-use, zappermajig home product). Whether you own one of these beauties or not, we know you have an opinion about them. That's why we asked you, the users of Neopia, to vote for your favorite Robot styles. Over 200 users voted and the top 10 pets are on display below. Prepare yourself to be awed--just don't stand too close, in case someone short-circuits...

Other Stories


"You lied to me! Both of you!" he said, finally turning to face his original owner.

by warriorsrock965


Mutant Tales
"Mutants act just like anyone else; they just look different. The reason that you've seen so many today is because it's Mutant Day today."

by solcana64


Top 10 Mutant Shopkeepers
It’s Mutant Day. The whole of Neopia is slathered in slime, tentacles, and of course the monstrous creations of Dr. Sloth...

by _owlsong_


Courtesy on the Neoboards
Some plain and simple rules any Neopian should follow whilst on the boards.

by chax1414


P3s die so beautifully; what magnificent bugs!

by grimagog1971


Usuls Plus One - Fishing
For the last time, YES.

by maraqua_berry

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