Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 190,988,180 Issue: 590 | 12th day of Eating, Y15
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New Series

The Royal Reputation: Part One

My family was royal. We ruled a small town near Neopia Central, where there were two kinds of people. The royal, who were rich and snobby, and then there were the peasants.

by flames_unleashed
Uncertainty: Part One

There were two doors that Wingen considered opening. He held the key to one while the other was a quick knock away from letting him in. He had intended to open both...

by blueys45
Defender of Neopia - Tyranny of The Doctor: Part One

"There's no point in trying to escape from here." 

Keenomarci surveyed the room she had found herself locked in.

by kinokiro

Finding Boochi: Part One

Charlie still remembered the day he had turned Grey. How could he ever forget the day that caused all of his misery and despair?

by fantasyeyesuk
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"The Tale of Herald the Poet" by moonandflowers
Herald chewed on the end of her pencil, staring at the blank page in front of her. It stared back, as though it were taunting her. The put the lead against the paper, began to write, and stopped. Began again. Stopped. This cycle continued through...

Other Stories


A Scholar's Nightmare
It was all she'd ever really wanted, a 'good night's sleep'.

by usagisquared


Lost and Found
"I'm going on a trip; you're going to stay in the pound until then."

by rasgirl


Pet Day Delights
A guide to a delicious meal - on any pet day!

by brittboo_x


How to Improve Your Luck
So maybe you're not as lucky as you want to be, but don't worry- there are ways that you can improve your bad luck so things start looking your way.

by coco_bella


All Plumped Up

by _heetteri_


Soldiers Behaving Oddly
There seems to be a new club forming in Habitarium Land...

by epicgiggle

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