Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 193,843,975 Issue: 718 | 5th day of Awakening, Y18
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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part One

Chloe breathed deeply the morning air as she closed the front door behind herself. It was a glorious late spring morning and the air was fragrant and warm, with just a slight tinge of humidity. She walked down the front path to the sidewalk. As she reached the final step, she was cut off by one her sisters hopping through the shrubs lining the walkway.

by kristykimmy
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"Letters to Goose" by chistise
Dear Goose, I hope you are well and enjoying your travels in Shenkuu. I heard the weather there in summer is nice and warm. I’m sorry that I haven’t written as often as I promised but I’ve been busy settling into my new home. My initial impressions of it were somewhat mixed but I’ve come to like it since. I’ve always wanted to live in an old, spooky mansion like this. I’m getting inspiration for my mystery novel every hour I spend here. I got rather a shock the first night I came here. You remember how awful the weather was just that evening. After you went off on urgent business, I went down the winding path to the house. I stumbled upon it just as I started to worry I had taken a wrong turn somewhere. I pushed open the gate with a tremendous creak and walked up the decrepit path to the house. Lighting flashed as I reached the door and I saw this great, bulky outline of the house looming over me. It looked like it could topple over at any minute. I almost turned back but by then I had already knocked on the door and it seemed impolite to retreat just then. I shouldn’t have worried for no one came to the door. I leaned up against it to listen for any footsteps.

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Not Always as it Seems
Lilly the Ixi grew up as a wealthy pet. She always had the most expensive customizations,her stats were always on top and she had her wings professionally groomed so that they'd glisten as she flew across Neopia. Even the Faeries were jealous of her beauty.

by extreme_butterfly


Rohane's Odyssey
Forth young Rohane ventured, armed with just his father's sword, a taste for some adventure and his mother's faithful words. Near to Trestin Village, out on the surrounding plains the local Lupes attacked and he began to gain some strength.

by 0123kl


Petpet Matching for the Permanently Indecisive
Have you ever looked at a pet, paired with their petpet, and thought "They're perfect together!" only to do it yourself and find that "perfect" match to grow stale in a short time, maybe it just didn't "work" with their character, or maybe you just flat out decided you didn't like it? Ladies and Gentleman, I am here to state loud and clear you are not alone.

by fire_earth_aqua__77


Scientific Highlights: The Crokabek
Little is known about a majority of the Petpet species living in Neopia. For some, such as the Crokabek, this knowledge gap is particularly large. What is considered common knowledge in terms of their biology, including that of their disease vector status is, at best, a partial truth.

by parody_ham


The Perks of Having Petpets: Pick Your Own
A Uni and her Warf discover that you can make and break a fortune within the space of 10 seconds!

by xirco


Lame Pun: Doing The Books
I'm Kinda Sorry For This One

by blackaavar

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