Voice of the Neopian Pound |
Circulation: 194,445,060 |
Issue: 767 | 3rd day of Awakening, Y19 |
New Series
| Welcome to White RiverPortia Provoskia swept the dust from her skirt with a calculated flourish as she exited the small carriage. Her driver, a young Shoyru who talked with a thick Meridellian accent, handed the Halloween Ixi the small case that contained the few possessions she owned. "Welcome to White River, Miss."
by hzoo_26 |
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Zafara Double Agent
We need to know exactly who the Zafara Double Agent is.
Let's start with what we do know for sure. This cunning master spy first surfaced 13 years ago, on the 6th day of Awakening. Since that day she has gained so much fame and adoration from Neopets far and wide. She has plushies in her honor that reward avatars, trading cards, collectable cards, even an Usuki was designed to resemble her.
Other Stories
A Beginners Guide to Restocking at Kayla’s Potions So you’ve read through countless restocking guides and you understand the system, but you still do not know where to start. Some guides have told you to start at the Book Store, others tell you to try the pharmacy. Maybe you were even told to try Fresh Food and Toy Shop. While these are all decent options, I am an advocate for Kayla’s potions.
by hectic_haley |