Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 186,904,169 Issue: 196 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Short Stories

Special Abilities

"I want Esperanza to live unprejudiced but I don't trust that it could happen here. I wish she wasn't born with abilities. I don't want to lose her...."

by einstein20
The Legend of Count Von Roo

It may seem crazy to you that Von Roo once was an ordinary yellow Blumaroo who spent his days bouncing along the streets of Meridell...

by kitokat_mh
To Terrorize The Babysitter

"Anyway, I'm not sure what time I'll be home, so I called a babysitter for you three."

by clumsy_moo
Rescuing Lola

Meg sat on the bed and looked around. "So, you really got rid of all your old things? Absolutely everything from before you turned a year old?"

by chibifi3d
Cinnamon Musician

A cheerful little voice echoed from behind the counter, "Could you give me a paw with the violin on the top shelf?"

by hmlanden
A Grey Day

"It'll be all right, won't it?" Claire asked. "I'll still be myself even though I look different, right?" That meek and scared voice alarmed Vivi. For the first time since the purchase of the Grey Paint Brush, the owner realized that her pet was afraid...

by shadowcristal
Into the House of Answers

"You're on a quest for the Brain Tree? My name is Storius and I have the largest library in the Haunted Woods. You can find the answer to any question there. Now, hurry up, you haven't got much time left!"

by kushbi
In My Dreams

It is not I who brings the future; the future is what it is and no one person can bring it onto the world. King Kelpbeard has as much of an influence on the future as I, perhaps even more. Yet I get blamed for trying to help.

by cloudybliss
Lily's Secret

Lily had a secret. Of course, I've known that forever. That didn't mean I didn't want to know what the secret was.

by animalnutz1993
The Chomby Fight

"One true leader," she shouted, banging a fist on the stone table...

by zidane12276
Search the Neopian Times


"A Grey Day" by shadowcristal
Finally. They had been waiting for so long, the two of them. The beautiful colors of the Rainbow Pool reflected in the excited eyes of owner and pet. "This is it," Vivi said...

Other Stories


An Interview with Jimmi and Woogy
You know Jimmi and Woogy, and you love Jimmi and Woogy. But do you know the real Hasees behind the game?

by puregold0


The Stock Market - Mayhem or Millions?
And how are Neopians supposed to understand the business without being a stockbroker themselves?

by daehder


Playing The Part: Part Five
The girl gritted her teeth and tried to calm herself down before calming her own pets down. "Look, can we talk about this later?"

by precious_katuch14


Jhudora's Weakness: Part Three
I looked around us to find that what Blue had said was true. There was a tribe of Myncis surrounding us...

by nadine_clark


Lenny Sack
And for our next attraction - the bearded lady blurg!

by ickessler


You Have Got to Be KIDDING Me!! (Part 1)
I was just wondering...

Art by oniamuro

by jazz_invincible

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