For an easier life Circulation: 186,904,169 Issue: 196 | 24th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

She sighed. "There is a difference between a lie and a lack of information. I, my boy, simply never gave you any information."

Plushie Fever

You might have enough points to buy every plushie in the store twice, but it’s better to save it than to waste it. I suggest taking out one thousand Neopoints from the bank, buying a few plushies that you don’t have, and then earn back all of those points...

Hasees Speak Out

You know Jimmi and Woogy, and you love Jimmi and Woogy. But do you know the real Hasees behind the game? I got a chance to interview Jimmi and Woogy, and well, let's just say they're not the perfect little cute Hasees you think they are...

Simple Sutek Help

If you are unsure how to play Sutek’s Tomb, or have never really been interested in the game, it’s all rather straightforward, and is very enjoyable. You must swap two adjacent tiles in order to score points by getting three, four or five tiles in a row...

Other Stories
"Into the House of Answers" by kushbi
Deep within the Haunted Woods lived a talented Techo who could paint, write and who thirsted for knowledge. He wished that he could spend all his time reading and painting...

"A Grey Day" by shadowcristal
Finally. They had been waiting for so long, the two of them. The beautiful colors of the Rainbow Pool reflected in the excited eyes of owner and pet. "This is it," Vivi said...

"To Terrorize The Babysitter" by clumsy_moo
"And the chaos begins in five... four..." counted down the short, brown-haired, bespectacled girl, "three... two... one."

Fish for your Wish

This week's issue is brought to you by: Underwater Fishing
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Great stories!


Special Abilities
"I want Esperanza to live unprejudiced but I don't trust that it could happen here. I wish she wasn't born with abilities. I don't want to lose her...."

by einstein20


How to Win the Beauty Contest
"Vote for my Cybunny" is unlikely to lure the hordes to your board, but as (whoever) discovered "Vote for my handmade plushie Zafara" can keep the same board up for hours!

by blackbutterfky333


The Chronicles of Knight II: Rebuilding the Forsaken - Part Four
His vision became sharper, and his normally acute hearing began to pick up smaller sounds. His head began to clear. Who was he?

by fierwym


Home < High Seas: Part One
Pirates. That's what Desterenel thought the moment she set eyes on them. They were a scruffy, disreputable, wretched looking lot, bedecked with golden earrings and bandanas...

by destervetha


For The Life of a Pirate: Part Two
Ron reached Krawk Island at last, dripping from his swim, but strangely exhilarated like never before. The dark didn’t bother him anymore. At last he could see the island he’d read so much about...

by nut862

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