Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 99,729,623 Issue: 198 | 8th day of Swimming, Y7
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Short Stories


"Piece of cake!" the trained thief muttered into her facemask. She had had harder tasks when she was in ninja kindergarten!

by gloss_frozen
The Meepit Named Little Meepie

It was back again! The evil pink ball of fluff WAS BACK! Oh, cruel world!

by puppers237
The Magic Paw

Frika slowly parted the branches and stared into it. It was a glowing puddle of water...

by chibichix

I levitated closer to the Master, who was entering the place. He was mumbling something about "increased admission price," whatever that is...

by kizule

You'd think that after that whiny little Shoyru persuaded Mom into getting a Halloween Paint Brush for him, he'd be quiet for a little while. But no...

by really_awesome_d00d
Altering Destinies

All Neopians have destinies. It is up to them, however, to choose what they do...

Also by hottamale0774

by humblely

The Lemonade Lesson

They were on their way out when they saw the cutest little teddy bears they had ever seen, but the price was more than they could afford...

by muddydukky
Ancient Blood

He reached out to help uncover the mysterious stone block's face from beneath layers of desert sand. "Now, tell me again how you found this?"

Also by Demiurgec

by laurelinden

Birthdays and Best Friends

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" Kyorai shouted gleefully as he hugged his mother and raced upstairs to begin writing his guest list...

by oldnavyfan10
The Surprising Sack

"I was talking about Maraqua and the hidden treasure chest with a million Neopoints in it. Wouldn't it be so great if we found it?"

by dionee_rulz91
Bedtime Story

'We must evacuate. This storm is going to destroy the entire Lost Desert,' the princess thought.

by mistiehall
Lost: Baby Kau. Please return to Faerieland Library

Now, you may not think the library is a very exciting place, but he could tell that today was going to be different...

by tessd1891
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Your Mission is:

You play as a brave Neopian, fighting to save his planet from an un-destroyable ship. You will never be able to stop him, but Neopia will, as soon as they get ready for him. You play in a small little ship, with only a single gun...

Other Stories


Meepit vs. Feepit: a Guide to the Avatar
My personal favorite is the Fire Meepit, with its Comet Skullbash attack. All of their combos are fun to watch, but NOT fun to be hit by...

by darkwolf__untamed


Inedible Food
To prevent accidents involving the Weapon/Food items, I have created this article so you know what foods to be wary of and what foods to feed your face with...

by tigerfanatic33


Johnny's Story: Part Three
Three figures came stomping down the stairs. I stared, my eyes wide with half fright and half examination...

by sarahsuk


A Wizards Beginning: Part Ten
"No can do," came the reply from Tyvek. "I have a lot to teach you, specifically about the Laws of Wizardry."

by sirussblack


Neopian Neophyte
You don't have to be a good battler to make a big deal out of it...

by leedom111


Finny's Corner
When labbing becomes addictive...

by divisible_by_zero

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